那些可可爱爱的英文叠词名字 您所在的位置:网站首页 可爱的名字英语 那些可可爱爱的英文叠词名字


2024-06-17 02:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  中文里通常用叠词给宝宝或者宠物起名字,听起来可可爱爱,英文也是哦!Double-sound baby names基本都是是常见名字的昵称,而且大部分都是对女娃的称呼。你能想到多少baby names with repeating sounds呢?我们一起来看一下吧:

  1. Coco

  Coco came to prominence as the nickname of the legendary French designer Chanel.

  这个名字作为Chanel的nickname而广为人知,也是特别流行的baby name,一个幼儿园里可能会有好几位叫Coco的宝贝。

  2. Kiki

  Kiki can be a nickname for any name beginning with the K sound, from Katherine to Christina to Kayla. This name means “double happiness”.

  任何以/k/音开头的名字都可以被昵称为Kiki. 它的含义是“双倍的快乐”!

  3. Lulu

  Interesting that Lulu was a Top 100 name when the Social Security list was born in 1880, but it’s been sliding ever since and has not been in the Top 1000 for decades. Modern parents in love with Lulu might well reverse that trend.

  Lulu可以是Louise或者Lucy的昵称。有趣的是,1880年时,Lulu还曾是popular baby names的top 100,但之后便逐渐失去热度,几十年里也没有进过top 1000了。不过现在这些喜欢Lulu这个名字的年轻家长们可能会让它再次成为流行的baby name.

  4. Gigi

  While some parents might fashionably use Gigi on its own, we’d recommend lengthening it on the birth certificate to something like Georgiana or Gabrielle.

  看到这个名字你可能第一位会想到超模Gigi Hadid,很多时髦的家长会直接叫宝贝Gigi, 不过还是建议在出生证明上写上不那么像昵称的Georgiana或者Gabrielle, 例如我们亲切的称呼为Gigi的科比二女儿,她的本名是Gianna.

  5. Zuzu

  Zuzu is heard every Christmas as the name of Jimmy Stewart’s little girl in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Hard to think of a nickname name with more sizzle.

  在捷克语里,Zuzu是Susan的昵称。在被评为best Christmas film的电影It’s a wonderful life里,男主角的女儿就叫做Zuzu.

  6. Cece

  Cece is often short for Cecelia or even Cecilia, but it can also be a short form of just about any C name. It can also be a stylish nickname name used all by itself, ala Coco and Lulu.


  7. Bibi

  A spunky nickname name for parents with showbiz aspirations for their daughter.

  Bibi是法语里Bibiana的昵称,表示delight, lady of the house, life. 那些想让自己的女儿闯入娱乐圈儿的父母可能会比较偏爱这个名字。

  8. Vivi

  Vivi is a short form of all the Vivian and Viveca forms that is sure to get a lot more attention now that a little Jolie-Pitt girl has been named Vivienne.

  所有Viv开头的名字都可被昵称为Vivi. 安吉丽娜朱莉的一位女儿就叫做Vivienne,这可能会带起一波Vivi热潮。

  9. Jojo

  Sprightly and engaging nickname for human, full name for pet.


  10. Koko

  A funkier version of Coco that may be more appealing if you have Japanese or Native American heritage.


  11. Lili

  Lili has been blooming in many forms for a couple of decades now. The Lili version will surely get more attention now that the Duke and Duchess of Susses, aka Harry and Meghan, are using is as a short form for their daughter Lilibet Diana’s name.


  12. Nini

  A nickname for names such as Nina, Nicole, and any others containing the “ni” element. Olivia Rodrigo’s character Nina “Nini” Salazar-Roberts in the High School Musical series has made it fresh for a new generation.

  Nini是带有“ni”的名字的昵称,例如Nina, Nicole. 在《歌舞青春》里,Olivia Rodrigo饰演的的角色Nini让年轻一代爱上了这个名字。

  13. Dodo

  Dodo is one of the few names of the cute repeating-sounds that is not so cute, being a slang word for someone brainless as well as the name of the infamous extinct bird. Dot, Dottie, Dory, or Thea are all preferable.

  Dodo这个名字是为数不多的听起来特可爱,但其实没那么可爱的昵称。它被用来形容人很蠢很无脑,而且也是已经灭绝的一种大鸟的名字。作为Dorothy的昵称,更建议使用Dot, Dottie, Dory或者Thea.

  14. Bobo

  Bobo was the name of one of the most famous clowns in American circus history, who performed from the 1920s until the 1970s.


  15. Nana

  Nana, most often used for girls as a short form of Anna or Nancy, is an African name for boys meaning king or in some translations, “born on Tuesday.” Isaac Hayes used the name for his son.

  Nana一般是女孩子的昵称,例如Anna或者Nancy. 作为男孩子的名字,它的意思是“国王”或者有时被翻译成“在星期二出生”。Isaac Hayes便给自己的儿子取名Nana.

  16. Gugu

  Gugu is derived from the word igugu, meaning “treasure.” It’s commonly used as a nickname for Gugulethu.


  你还知道哪些好听可爱的double-sound name呢?一起来分享吧!






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