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翼龙·古生物图鉴 – 全球珍藏

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2022年-11月-13日 ➠ 607 ➠ ♥ 0 恐龙 Animal动物 Creation万物 287P 翼龙·古生物图鉴 ►   站内排名:No.507   ◄ 标签: 恐龙 有 13 篇

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《古生物图鉴》是2013年湖南科学技术出版社出版的图书,作者是王丽霞、苗德岁。《古生物图鉴——翼龙》60余种世界各地发现的著名翼龙骨骼及形态,用科学的方法进行了复原。本书全四色铜版印刷,精装。对开大图完美复原翼龙。全球首发,以中英文双语的方式将60余种生活在中生代的翼龙的标准中文名称、学名、命名者的资料进行收集,整理了物种的化石产地、基本体型、生存年代、食性等基本特征。中国原创,且是全球唯一一套最系统、最齐全、最科学、最精美的史前水栖爬行动物复原图鉴。本书以全新的表现形态为古生物的研究工作、教学工作、展示工作提供科学、有效、实用的帮助。古生物研究者与爱好者可以共享的一套古生物丛书。精准、科学、艺术的将曾经的地球霸主进行完美复原,让它们重新站立在大众面前,让我们可以直观地了解它们,确切的认识它们。The Paleontology Atlas is a book published by Hunan Science and Technology Press in 2013. The authors are Wang Lixia and Miao Desui.Paleontology Atlas – Pterosaur More than 60 famous pterosaurs found around the world have their skeletons and shapes restored by scientific methods. This book is printed in four colors by copperplate and hardbound. The opposite large picture perfectly recovers pterosaur. For the first time in the world, the standard Chinese names, scientific names, and names of more than 60 pterosaurs living in the Mesozoic Era were collected in both Chinese and English, and the basic characteristics of the fossil origin, basic body shape, survival time, food habits, and so on were sorted out. It is original in China, and is the world’s only set of the most systematic, complete, scientific, and exquisite prehistoric aquatic reptile restoration atlas.This book provides scientific, effective and practical help for paleontological research, teaching and display in a new form. A set of paleontological books that paleontologists and enthusiasts can share. Accurately, scientifically and artistically, we can perfectly restore the former Earth overlords and let them stand in front of the public again, so that we can intuitively understand them and know them accurately.

Animal动物 Creation万物 287P 翼龙·古生物图鉴 上一篇: 世界恐龙·古生物图鉴 下一篇:中国恐龙1·古生物图鉴 历史上的今天 ( 18 ):

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