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2024-06-02 10:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

反思的英文:think back to sth that happenedrecollect

参考例句:The crisis also causes us to introspect.危机也应让我们反思。We should introspect the cause of disease.我们反思疾病的致病因素。Recall and reconsider sth in the past想起并重新考虑(过去的)某事;反思.The president of the university reflected on the causes of student revolt那位大学校长反思了学生选择造反原因。The accident prompted a review of school safety policy.这场事故引起对学校安全制度的反思This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。To concern ourselves with dreams is a way of reflecting on ourselves-a way of self-reflection. 我们关心梦,作为自我沉思的方式,自我反思的方式。We should do some soul-searching to see how this culture of silence came about, and resolve to turn the situation around我们应该反思这种沉默心态的形成背景,并决心扭转局面。On the other hand, people who grieve over and lament the loss of traditions would do well to do some re-thinking.那些面对传统失传而痛心疾首的人也要好好反思。It is not just Laplasse's wartime behaviour that has provoked moral soul-searching in Belgium激起比利时人心灵深处反思的并不仅仅是拉普拉斯在战争期间的行为。think是什么意思:v. 认为;想;琢磨;试想;预期;一心想;计划;记得I think and think and cannot cease from thinking. 我想了又想,一直想个没完。 Think of solar power, and you probably think of photovoltaic panels. 当考虑到太阳能,你一定会想到光伏电池板。Do you think it will rain? -- Yes, I think so.你看会下雨吗?是的,我想会下雨。back是什么意思:n. 后面,背面,反面;背,背部;靠背;后卫v. 支持;后退,倒退;背书;下赌注于adj. 背部的;后面的;过去的;拖欠的.adv. 以前;向后地;来回地;上溯Stand back to back!背靠背站好!They are on the back of the menu. 它们在菜单背面。Our seats on the train were back to back.我们在火车上的坐位是背靠背的。sth是什么意思:abbr. something的缩略词average sth out(at sth);calculate the average of sth算出某事物的平均数 be agreeable to sth欣然同意某事 at/on the altar of sth因为,为了(值得为之受苦的事)








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