防止校园暴力英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 反对暴力英语作文 防止校园暴力英语作文


2024-05-06 12:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


校园暴力是人际冲突的一个极端,对学生来说是双重伤害,同时也体现出人际交往的问题。以下是聘才网小编精心整理的相关文章,希望对大家有所帮助, 欢迎阅读!


防止校园暴力英语作文 篇一

I do not know from what time, a terrible phenomenon of the campus to break the quiet. Because a little small, some students strike violently against their classmates, this is not a normal phenomenon. Students should be friendly to each other, to help each other, and not the things go to war for trifles. Why is this so? I think that some students do not communicate with others for a long time, too self - centered, rather than tolerance of others a little bit of fault. There is a reason, some students may be addicted to the Internet in a long period of film and television, like to see some of the story of the fight, blindly imitate others, with bad atmosphere.

The classmates, stop it, let us join hands to work together toward a better tomorrow.、



防止校园暴力英语作文 篇二

Campus, is the knowledge of the park, is a World Explorer, where is our happy figure, bathed in the success of our tears everywhere, filled with our happy laughter, campus, is our young students of the ocean, marine although beautiful, but there still exist the vicious shark, campus life although rich and colorful, but adverse security risks still exist...

Peace is the wish of all of us, teachers hope that students flat ANN; parents hope children flat ANN; I would rather let my brothers and sisters, sister, Changping Science in peace.

I think there are two main factors that are not safe campus: from the campus, the main campus environment, improper education methods and the language of violence among students. From outside the main there are robbery, extortion, traffic accidents and casualties, etc.. In the campus, only to establish the awareness of self-protection, know how to protect self knowledge, learn self-protection, to eliminate, reduce the hidden dangers of life, happy, healthy in life. Once the campus fire, first of all to choose the right way to escape or rescue. In order to give us these young students to create a safe learning and growth environment. Our school leaders, teachers attach great importance to, and actively action. Organize us to listen to the lecture on how to survive in the school of fire. A few days ago, our school students, under the leadership of teachers and fire guard, the excited people fire drills, in up to 10 minutes of "fire" process, the students are actively cooperate, successfully completed his task... In that unusual exercise, although we did not want to participate in the fire, but we also seriously to observe the fire of the entire process, to understand a lot of.

Safe campus starts from me...... From every little bit......

Building a safe campus, is the responsibility of all of us. Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the starting point of the towering trees is as small as a grain of seed, the starting point of the towering building is a common block of stone, safe campus starting point is the maintenance of each and every one of my classmates, each and every one of my classmates is safe!

Let us join hands together to create a safe campus! Let these make us uneasy and helpless bad people and bad things always disappear, let the grass never wither; let the flowers will never fade; let us smile forever linked in the face; safe campus always accompany us to grow.















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