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2024-06-02 14:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Russian-Canadian dollmaker Marina Bychkova is famous for sculpting highly realistic porcelain dolls. Her creations are not only anatomically correct, they’re also soul-stirringly ethereal enough to make the viewer curious about their stories. It’s no wonder they’re so sought after by doll connoisseurs across the world. Bychkova’s dolls sell for tens of thousands of dollars each, with the most expensive one fetching a whopping $76,500 on eBay.俄罗斯裔加拿大人的玩偶匠玛丽娜·别赫卡娃以制作高仿真的陶瓷玩偶而著名。她制作的娃娃不仅在解剖学上符合人体结构,而且具有一种动人心魄的仙气,让看到她们的人好奇她们有着怎样的故事。可见这些玩偶受到世界各地玩偶鉴赏家的追捧并非毫无道理。别赫卡娃的娃娃每个都价值上千万,其中最贵的可以在eBay上卖出7万6500美元的高价。

The Enchanted Bychkova Dolls are mostly nudes, carrying pensive, mysterious, even sad expressions, as though truly affected by life and destiny. The delicate beauties draw attention with their soulful eyes and sensual lips, with many fans claiming they could spend hours staring at them. The dolls are ball-jointed, which means they can be photographed in various poses that invoke a range of emotions within the viewer.这些自带仙气的别赫卡娃玩偶大都是裸体,带着忧伤、神秘乃至悲哀的眼神,似乎她们正为人生和命运而深深感伤。这些娇美的玩偶眼神中透出心灵之光,嘴唇丰盈性感,摄人心魄,粉丝们称他们会几个小时注视着她们。这些玩偶都装有球型关节,因而可以摆出各种姿势拍摄照片,让观赏者产生各种各样的感情。

Bychkova, who was born in Novokuznetsk city in 1997, started making dolls at the age of six, driven by the fact that she couldn’t play with the beautiful dolls that only existed in her imagination. She practiced the artform incessantly until she was finally able to bring her dream dolls into existence. One thing that sets her dolls apart is the absence of glass eyes. Instead, she hand-paints the eyes on each doll, making them truly one-of-a-kind. Each doll takes her anywhere between 150 to 300 painstaking hours to complete.别赫卡娃这位玩偶匠1997年出生在俄罗斯新库兹涅茨克。6岁起就开始制作玩偶,因为她总在和自己幻想中美丽的玩偶玩耍,却不仅仅满足于此。她坚持不懈的磨炼自己制作玩偶的技艺,直到最终将自己梦中的完美玩偶带入了现实之中。她的玩偶之所以无与伦比,原因之一是这些玩偶并不是装着玻璃眼珠。取而代之的是,每只玩偶的眼睛都是她亲手绘制的,因而也就具有独一无二的美感。制作每只玩偶都要她全神投入的花费150-300个小时去完成。







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