二战对人们影响英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 关于二战的短文阅读 二战对人们影响英文作文


2024-06-03 11:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”二战对人们影响“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The impact of World War II on people。以下是关于二战对人们影响雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of World War II on people

St Rogers Rogers, born in Boklyn, New York in July, was oginally a frail young man. Under the vigous pmotion of the US government, he became a "super soldier" with far physical stren. This shield is one of the hardest metals in the world.

St, later, in an operation at the end of world War II, as an Amecan captain, the U.S. captain, at the end of World War II, became a "super soldier" with far physical stren In an operation after the end of World War II, he had a fierce battle with his old enemy "red skeleton". In recent years, the Avengers alliance was born and died under the leadership of the Amecan captain, and won sral impossible victoes https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.


史蒂夫·罗杰斯(St Rogers),xx月出生于纽约布鲁克林(Boklyn),原是一个瘦弱年轻人,在大力推动下,他成为了一名体能远超“超级战士”,而这枚盾牌是世界上最坚硬金属之一,而史蒂夫,后来,在二战结束时一次行动中,上尉以船长身份,在第二次世界大战结束后一次行动中,与他宿敌“红骷髅”进行了激烈战斗,落海受冻近几年,直到被地盾局发现并解冻后,复仇者联盟在船长下诞生和消亡,一次又一次地赢得几乎不可能胜利:https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0。


The impact of World War II was unusual, becse for the first time in modern history, civilians were killed than soldiers, although World War II was the bloodiest "soldier" war in all history. It is estimated that about soldiers died in the war. Howr, the number of civilian deaths exceeded that of civilians.

Civilians were deliberately targeted by Btish bombing attacks on German targets. This is the Btish government's policy dung the conflict. Amecan bombers ted to be "accate" and only attacked some industal and military targets with military value, but still csed many civilian deaths.

German newspaper After the world war, Western Eupe shaped most of the world pattern. When these countes were exhsted in economic and military aspects, they be to form a bipolar balance, that is, the o superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union In military affairs, the dlopment of new technologies, fm the greatly impved tanks and aies to the deadly atomic bomb, is to make war faster and cruel. Other dlopments related to daily life are nylon.

The world war has bught many changes to other synthetic mateals and other practical inventions. In France and Italy, women ntually gained the ght to vote, becse most men went to war and women had access to the labor force.




The Second World War, the Second World War, was a global military conflict that lasted until. Most countes in the world, including all the major powers, formed o opposing military alliances: allies and Axis powers. This is the most extensive war in history.

Since than one million military personnel were mobilized under the "all-und war", the main participants tranerred all their economy The use of industal and scientific capabilities in war efforts has eliminated the distinction beeen civilian and military resoces marked by major actions against civilians, including the Holocst and the only use of nuclear weapons in war, the deadliest conflict in human history, estimated to have killed beeen 50 and 70 million people. It is generally belid that the war be in September when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and then France and most other countes declared war on Germany. In the Btish Empire and the Commonwealth countes, China and Japan were already at war.

In view of the German invasion of the Soviet Union and Japan's attacks on Pearl Harbor of the Pacific fleet of the United States and the Btish overseas colonies, other countes that did not participate in the war later joined the war, This led to the declaration of war by the United States and the Btish Commonwealth against Japan, while the Dutch war ended with the full victory of its allies over Germany and Japan in World War II. The establishment of the United Nations pmoted international cooperation and prnted fute conflicts. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as hostile superpowers.

The cold war lasted for 40 years The acceptance of the pnciple accelerated the decolonization movement in Asia and Afca, while Western Eupe be to move towards economic recovery and strenen political integration.



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