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2024-06-02 21:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Introducing Guizhou Province


Guizhou is a mountainous province located in the southern part of China, bordered by Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, and Guangxi. With abundant historical and cultural resources, rare flora and fauna, and traditional handicrafts, Guizhou is known as the "Natural Garden of China" and is a popular destination for tourists to explore natural scenery and cultural heritage.


The terrain of Guizhou is complex and varied, consisting of karst landforms, hilly zones, basin plains, and more. It boasts the world's largest karst landforms including the breathtaking attractions of Wuyuan and Huangguoshu. Moreover, Guizhou's landscape gallery is one of its features that includes the Thousand-layer Peaks represented by the Wuling Mountains and beautiful Miao folk songs, which are all worth seeing.


In Guizhou, you can taste a variety of unique local dishes. Traditional flavors such as Sour Fish Soup, Spicy Hot Pot with Blood Curd, and Sour Beef Soup are unforgettable. In addition, Guizhou is also a major producer of Baijiu (Chinese liquor) and Qian Tea (a kind of tea), with local specialties such as Qianbei Jiu, Hongshui River Jiu, and Tie Guanyin tea that are made using traditional crafts.


Guizhou's ethnic culture is diverse, and different ethnic groups have unique expressions in costumes, music, dance, and more. The Miao's lusheng (a kind of wind instrument), Dong's folk songs and dances, Buyi's embroidery, and other representative cultural arts showcase Guizhou's rich ethnic culture.


As one of the provinces in China , Guizhou is also an important base for health care. With a comfortable climate and various resources such as scenic spots, ancient relics, and hot springs, many health care plans and treatment programs here attracts both domestic and foreign tourists.


In general, Guizhou's abundant resources provide tourists with a diverse travel experience. Here you can enjoy different cuisines, ethnic characteristics, and natural landscapes, bringing endless surprises and pleasures to tourists.


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