写美丽乡村的英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 乡村的英文country 写美丽乡村的英语作文


2023-03-04 21:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”写美丽乡村“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write about beautiful countryside。以下是关于写美丽乡村的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about beautiful countryside

This summer vacation, I went to the countryside to spend the summer vacation. I like green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals. I breathe fresh air in the mountains.

Sometimes I go swimming in the river. I keep a diary every day. I don't like the scenery of the country.

There are people there. I help them do farm work. I also help the children nearby.

The children are very interested in English. They are good at reading and writing but not good at listening and speaking. I help them They have improved their listening and speaking ability.

Their parents think highly of me. I realize that knowledge is urgently needed in rural areas.




Now, due to the policy of reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in rural areas. Now let me introduce in detail the quality of the shantytowns used to be very poor, and they were easily destroyed in the storm. Most farmers have their own houses and apartments, some of which are bigger and more magical than those in cities.

Farmers usually starve to death in disasters because they don't have food to eat, but now farmers can plant many regiments to live with or sell with them. It's no wonder that most of them used to be very rich. Farmers hardly looked at the outside world.

They had to climb mountains and mountains if they wanted to go out. Now, many roads and tunnels have been built to make it convenient for them to go out. Moreover, most farmers have their own private cars.

In the past, they went wherever they wanted. Farmers were always suffering from diseases because there were no doctors at all at that time. Now there are many doctors in rural areas Hospitals can be cured in time.

It is very difficult for children to study in rural areas. But now there are many schools in rural areas, more and more children can get better education. The better life in rural areas may be more prosperous than that in cities in the near future.




Beautiful ['bju ː t ᠬ FL] [BJU ː t ɪ FL] adj adj (it can be said that she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives people a sense of satisfaction. Many beautiful fish are disappearing quickly because of serious pollution.

Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful ugly ugly ugly.


美丽的['bjuːtɪfl]['bjuːtɪfl]adj adj(可以说,是我见过的最漂亮的女孩,看着一幅美丽的画总是给人一种满足感许多美丽的鱼正因为严重的污染而迅速消失漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮漂亮不好看丑丑丑。


标签: 高一 作文 乡村 满分






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