小猪佩奇第68期:Zoe zebra the postman's daughter 您所在的位置:网站首页 zeebra女儿 小猪佩奇第68期:Zoe zebra the postman's daughter

小猪佩奇第68期:Zoe zebra the postman's daughter

2024-04-28 18:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mummy, is the other letter for you?

No, this one's for Peppa and George.

Wow, a letterfor George and me.

Please come to my birthday party,

love Zoe zebra.

Zoe zebra has invited Peppa

and George to her birthday party.


You need to write a reply to Zoe to

tell her you are coming to her party.

Can you help us write it, mummy?

Of course.

Peppa and George are writing a reply to Zoe.

What would you like to say?

Dear Zoe,

I don't know what to say next.

How about we would love to

come to your party.

Kind regards, Peppa and George.

What colorenvelope shall we use?

The red one.

Miss. Zoe zebra.

And the last of all,

the stamp.

The letter is ready to be posted.

This is the post box.

Here are Danny, Suzy, Pedro, Rebecca,

and Emily elephant.

They are all posting letters.

And here is Peppa with her letter.


Now what happens?

Hello, everyone.

Hello, Peppa.

Did you get my letterabout my party?

Yes, and I've written you a reply.

Oh, goody.

My goodness, so many letters today.

And this letter is mine.

It is very very important.

Is it for me?

Can I open it now?

It is foryou, Zoe.

But it must be delivered

before you can open it.

That's how the post works.


And with so many letters to delivertoday,

I'd better make a start.

Can George and I come along too?

Hop aboard! Peppa and George.

See you later.

Peppa and George are helping

Mr. Zebra to deliverthe post.

This is Zoe zebra's house.

This letter is addressed to Miss Zoe zebra.

Ms Zoe zebra. Zoe zebra Zoe zebra Zoe zebra

Ohoh, all the post is for Zoe.

That's my letter. Can I post it?


Peppa loves posting letters.

Mummy, look, all these letters are for me.

Oh, amazing.

Can you read it, mummy?

Dear Zoe,

I would love to come to your party,

from Danny dog.

Suzy sheep's coming to your party too.

And Rebecca, Pedro, Emily, Candy,

they are all coming to your party.

And this letter is from me.

It says we are coming to your party,

love and kisses, Peppa and George.

Everyone has arrived for Zoe's party.

Happy birthday, Zoe.

Wow, so many presents.

You'll be writing lots of thank you letters, Zoe.

And who is going to deliver

all those "thank you" letters?

You are, daddy.

But I can help.返回搜狐,查看更多






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