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2023-03-22 13:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



在Overleaf上编写自己的简历 法一

1.首先需要注册一个Overleaf账号,在https://bing.com中搜索Overleaf,进入Overleaf官网注册一个账号。 2.在必应中搜索overleaf template,进入模板选择页面选择Résumé / CV,或者直接进入https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/tagged/cv 挑选喜欢的简历模板 3.打开后点击Open as Template即会在网页中显示 4.网页左上角有个menu按钮,点击后将compiler从pdfLaTeX改成XeLaTeX 5.最后可以修改模板中的内容了 #第四步是为了支持编译中文字符,否则LaTeX编译不会通过。


1.进入Overleaf主页,新建一个简历项目 2.在主页新建三个文件,分别为cv.tex、resume_ch.tex、resume.cls 3.分别粘贴如下的模板代码 cv.tex

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Medium Length Professional CV % LaTeX Template % Version 2.0 (8/5/13) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Original author: % Trey Hunner (http://www.treyhunner.com/) % % Important note: % This template requires the resume.cls file to be in the same directory as the % .tex file. The resume.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the % document. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style \usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins \usepackage{color} \usepackage[citecolor=green ]{hyperref} \name{Xxxxxx Xxx} % Your name \address{+(86) 132xxxxx975 \\ [email protected]} % Your phone number and email \address{Peking University, Haidian District, Beijing 100871, China} % Your address \begin{document} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EDUCATION SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Education} {\textbf{Peking University}} \hfill {\em September 2016 - present} \\ M.S. in Peking University, Institute of Network, GPA:xx(100) {\textbf{Peking University}} \hfill {\em September 2012 - June 2016} \\ B.S. in Peking University, Department of Computer Science \begin{rSubsection}{}{}{}{} \item Total GPA: xx/4.00 \ \ Major GPA: xx/4.00 \end{rSubsection} {\textbf{Edinburgh University}} \hfill {\em June 2015 - September 2015} \\ Visiting Scholar in School of Informatics \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % HONORS / AWARDS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Honors / Awards} \begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l } NOI – First Prize & {\em July 2011} \\ ACM/ACPC Tianjin regional competition – Second Prize & {\em September 2012} \\ Second Prize in ACM Programming Contest (on campus) & {\em May 2013} \\ Third Prize in ACM Programming Contest (on campus) & {\em May 2014} \\ Winner in Peking University AI Against Competition & {\em June 2015} \\ Runner-up in SIGMOD2017 Programming Contest & {\em March 2017} \\ 54-Youth Scholarship & {\em 2014} \\ \end{tabular} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORKING EXPERIENCE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Working Experience} \begin{rSubsection}{Microsoft STC Asia}{\em September 2017 - February 2018} {Internship, Department of Xiaoice \\} {Responsible for exploring new features in QA process and some other system coding tasks in C\#.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Implementation of CNN network in C\# which 2 times faster than original version under Intel-MKL Library and 40 times faster than original version under memory cache. \item[-] Finding a new approach to get the matched sentence in an article with its comment. \item[-] Implementing some pipelines deal with databases and ElasticSearch servers. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} %------------------------------------------------ \begin{rSubsection}{Bytedance Inc. Beijing}{\em June 2017 - August 2017} {Internship, Department of AI-Lab \\} {Responsible for maintaining the server side of video deduplication under Thrift-Framework in C++.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Add other features in video duduplication process, such as deep-learning feature, orb feature and k-means based feature. \item[-] Implementation of a web page tool to label the videos manually. \item[-] Tasks of data processing. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} %------------------------------------------------ \begin{rSubsection}{Megvii Inc. Beijing}{\em March 2016 - September 2016} {Internship, Team of Text Recognization \\} {Responsible for maintaining the pipeline of using the model to recognize all characters of a picture in C++.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Implementation of minAreaRect with C++. \item[-] Implementation of text in lines with minimum-cost flow. \item[-] Responsible for adjusting pipeline according to different models, and displaying demo on website. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROJECTS / RESEARCH EXPERIENCE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Projects / Research Experience} \begin{rSubsection}{Automatic Hyperparameter Tuning} {\em December 2017 - January 2018} {Implementation of a robust Bayesian Optimization framework written in Java. About 2000 lines.\\} {Github: \rm \url{https://github.com/xxxxxxx}} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Model: Gaussian Process. \item[-] Maximizer: Random Sampling. \item[-] Acquisition Function: EI, LCB, GP-UCB \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{SIGMOD 2017 Programming Contest}{\em January 2017 – March 2017}{2-people Semi-final Rank(1/40). Final Rank(2/40) \\} {Given the n-grams, documents and many remove and add operations, the task is finding all n-grams in each document. The contest is ranked by time.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Using Hash Table and Trie to make index. \item[-] Achieving complete parallel to insert, delete and query operations. \item[-] Codes: about 3000 lines in C++. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Alibaba Big Data Contest} {\em October 2016 - December 2016} {Prediction of offline o2o coupon tickets using Ranking in preliminary(1/1500). Ranking in semi-final(19/1500) \\} {Three-people team, responsible for the choice of features and models, data cleaning, etc.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] Learning Ali Shujia in semi-final, writing MR process to extract features with java. \item[-] The model of LR, Random Forest, GBDT and fusion of various models are tried. \item[-] Temporal features were added and AUC raised by 1\%. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{3D Online Mobile Game }{\em July 2016 – August 2016}{Independent development \\} {A MOBA game on Android, each game supports the maximum of 4 people battling together. The game supports players combating according to capability level, provides user login system, and stores personal information in the server.} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] The game logic part uses the Unity3D engine with C\#. \item[-] Server side is rented Ali Cloud Server, using Django framework written, Apache deployment. \item[-] Codes: about 7000 lines. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \begin{rSubsection}{Java Comment Matchment}{\em July 2015 – August 2015}{Exchanging project to Edinburgh University 2 months \\} {Using deep learning to match java code blocks and comment blocks with professor Charles Sutton. The ultimate goal is to achieve code completion automatically} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] The dataset is the java project on Github. \item[-] Writing java tokenizer to extract java code token, separating code blocks and comment blocks. \item[-] Making training data: experimenting various rules to match the code blocks with the comment blocks. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SKILLS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Skills} \begin{rSubsection} {}{}{}{} \item[-] Programming language: proficient in C/C++, C\#, java and python, having knowledge of shell, matlab and some functional programming languages like scala and scheme \item[-] Big data: Familiar with Hadoop and Spark. \item[-] Machine learning:proficient in numpy, matplotlib, sklearn and xgboost, having knowledge of pandas and tensorflow \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OTHERS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{Others} \begin{rSubsection} {}{}{}{} \item[-] Maths Level: A and A+ in Mathematic Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Discrete Mathematics. \item[-] English Level: CET-6. \item[-] GitHub: https://github.com/xxxxxxx \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \end{document}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Medium Length Professional CV % LaTeX Template % Version 2.0 (8/5/13) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Original author: % Trey Hunner (http://www.treyhunner.com/) % % Important note: % This template requires the resume.cls file to be in the same directory as the % .tex file. The resume.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the % document. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style \usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins \usepackage{xeCJK} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[citecolor=green ]{hyperref} \name{Xxxx Xxxx} % Your name \address{+(86) 132XXXXX975 \\ [email protected]} % Your phone number and email \address{北京市海淀区颐和园路5号北京大学,邮编100871} % Your address \begin{document} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EDUCATION SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{教育} {\textbf{xx大学}} \hfill {\em 2016.9 - 至今} \\ 硕士研究生,网络所,GPA:xxxx(100) {\textbf{xx大学}} \hfill {\em 2012.9 - 2016.6} \\ 本科生,计算机系 \begin{rSubsection}{}{}{}{} \item 总GPA: xxx/4.00 \ \ 专业课GPA: xxxx/4.00 \end{rSubsection} {\textbf{xx大学}} \hfill {\em 2015.7 - 2015.8} \\ 信息学院交流 \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % HONORS / AWARDS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{荣誉 / 奖项} \begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l } NOI – 金牌 & {\em 2011.7} \\ xx大学游戏AI编程对抗赛第一名 & {\em 2015.6} \\ xx编程竞赛第二名 & {\em 2017.3} \\ xx奖学金 & {\em 2014} \\ \end{tabular} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORKING EXPERIENCE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{工作经历} %------------------------------------------------ \begin{rSubsection}{今日头条}{\em 2017.6 - 2017.8} {实习生,AI-Lab组 \\} {主要负责维护服务器端的视频消重服务,应用了Thrift-Framework框架,编程语言C++。} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] 尝试了不同的视频消重特征,主要有深度特征、orb特征以及k-means聚类方法。 \item[-] 编写了一个Web界面,方便人工标数据。 \item[-] 负责一些清洗数据的工作. \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PROJECTS / RESEARCH EXPERIENCE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{项目 / 研究经历} \begin{rSubsection}{Java联机对战游戏} {\em 2022.8 – 2023.2} {一个Java网页蛇游戏,每局游戏支持2人在线对战,玩家可以使用AI或者自己参与对战,提供了玩家积分机制,以及根据战斗力自动匹配的机制。\\} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] 匹配系统、AI运行系统、后端均使用Spring Boot框架开发,前端使用Vue.js。 \item[-] 提供对局记录录像功能,服务器使用阿里云Linux服务器。AI代码运行环境使用Docker环境运行。 \item[-] 总代码量共约4500行。 \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSubsection}{OJ论坛系统} {\em 2022.1 – 2022.5} {实现了一个有Online Judge功能的论坛\\} \item[] \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em} \item[-] 登录系统、论坛逻辑和题目系统使用Django框架开发。 \item[-] 服务器采用本地Windows服务器,代码运行环境在本地运行。 \item[-] 总代码量共约2000行。 \end{itemize} \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SKILLS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{技能} \begin{rSubsection} {}{}{}{} \item[-] 编程语言: 熟练使用 C/C++, C\#, java, python和Go语言, 了解shell, matlab和一些函数式语言,比如scala和scheme。 \item[-] 处理大数据: 熟悉Hadoop、Spark,以及Parameter Server。 \item[-] 机器学习:熟练使用numpy, matplotlib, sklearn和xgboost, 了解pandas和tensorflow。 \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OTHERS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{rSection}{其他} \begin{rSubsection} {}{}{}{} \item[-] 数学水平: 数学分析、高等代数和离散数学等均A或A+ \item[-] 英语水平: CET-4. \item[-] GitHub: https://github.com/xxxxxx \end{rSubsection} \end{rSection} \end{document}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Medium Length Professional CV - RESUME CLASS FILE % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % This class file defines the structure and design of the template. % % Original header: % Copyright (C) 2010 by Trey Hunner % % Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, % are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright % notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, % without any warranty. % % Created by Trey Hunner and modified by www.LaTeXTemplates.com % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ProvidesClass{resume}[2010/07/10 v0.9 Resume class] \LoadClass[10pt,letterpaper]{article} % Font size and paper type \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Remove paragraph indentation \usepackage{array} % Required for boldface (\bf and \bfseries) tabular columns \usepackage{ifthen} % Required for ifthenelse statements \pagestyle{empty} % Suppress page numbers %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % HEADINGS COMMANDS: Commands for printing name and address %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \def \name#1{\def\@name{#1}} % Defines the \name command to set name \def \@name {} % Sets \@name to empty by default \def \addressSep {$\diamond$} % Set default address separator to a diamond % One, two or three address lines can be specified \let \@addressone \relax \let \@addresstwo \relax \let \@addressthree \relax % \address command can be used to set the first, second, and third address (last 2 optional) \def \address #1{ \@ifundefined{@addresstwo}{ \def \@addresstwo {#1} }{ \@ifundefined{@addressthree}{ \def \@addressthree {#1} }{ \def \@addressone {#1} }} } % \printaddress is used to style an address line (given as input) \def \printaddress #1{ \begingroup \def \\ {\addressSep\ } \centerline{#1} \endgroup \par \addressskip } % \printname is used to print the name as a page header \def \printname { \begingroup \hfil{\namesize\bf \@name}\hfil \nameskip\break \endgroup } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PRINT THE HEADING LINES %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \let\ori@document=\document \renewcommand{\document}{ \ori@document % Begin document \printname % Print the name specified with \name \@ifundefined{@addressone}{}{ % Print the first address if specified \printaddress{\@addressone}} \@ifundefined{@addresstwo}{}{ % Print the second address if specified \printaddress{\@addresstwo}} \@ifundefined{@addressthree}{}{ % Print the third address if specified \printaddress{\@addressthree}} } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SECTION FORMATTING %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Defines the rSection environment for the large sections within the CV \newenvironment{rSection}[1]{ % 1 input argument - section name \sectionskip \MakeUppercase{\bf #1} % Section title \sectionlineskip \hrule % Horizontal line \begin{list}{}{ % List for each individual item in the section \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.5em} % Margin within the section } \item[] }{ \end{list} } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORK EXPERIENCE FORMATTING %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \newenvironment{rSubsection}[4]{ % 4 input arguments - company name, year(s) employed, job title and location {\bf #1} \hfill {#2} % Bold company name and date on the right \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{ % If the third argument is not specified, don't print the job title and location line \\ {\em #3} \hfill {\em #4} % Italic job title and location } \begin{list}{$\cdot$}{\leftmargin=0em} % \cdot used for bullets, no indentation \itemsep -0.5em \vspace{-0.5em} % Compress items in list together for aesthetics }{ \end{list} \vspace{0.5em} % Some space after the list of bullet points } % The below commands define the whitespace after certain things in the document - they can be \smallskip, \medskip or \bigskip \def\namesize{\huge} % Size of the name at the top of the document \def\addressskip{\smallskip} % The space between the two address (or phone/email) lines \def\sectionlineskip{\medskip} % The space above the horizontal line for each section \def\nameskip{\bigskip} % The space after your name at the top \def\sectionskip{\medskip} % The space after the heading section

4.网页左上角有个menu按钮,点击后将compiler从pdfLaTeX改成XeLaTeX 5.最后可以修改模板中的内容了 #第四步是为了支持编译中文字符,否则LaTeX编译不会通过。

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