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2023-10-09 21:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

At 10:30 a.m. on June 30, 2021, the apprenticeship ceremony of Sinvo Automation's first reserve cadres was successfully concluded. In 2021, freshmen will pair up with Sinvo tutors to start a new chapter in their careers together.

First, Mr. Wang Jibao gave a speech and shared some experience of his career: there is no shortcut to success, but with the blessing of attitude, ability and opportunity, success often comes naturally.

Secondly, Mr. Liu Cheng delivered a speech and shared his personal experience in the workplace: In the workplace, companies and individuals often share a common destiny. Enterprises can bring platforms, space, and qualifications to employees, so individuals must be confident and confident in the process. Self-reliant, able to learn, and dreamy.

 Finally, Mr. Bin Xing delivered a speech, sharing his work and entrepreneurial experience, and communicating with the freshmen one by one, answering their concerns. He mentioned that "interest is the best teacher", and hoped that students could find their interests in the next year, so that they could avoid many detours in the workplace and life journey. In his sharing, he said that before he started his business, he worked hard for ten years, carefully repaired every machine, and studied hard for ten years, expanding his knowledge and making friends with many industry resources. His subsequent entrepreneurship laid a solid foundation. He mentioned that there are three career development paths in Sinvo Automation, technical experts, management and technical sales. Sinvo provides a wide range of choices and development space for everyone.

In the final stage of the ceremony, the students presented flowers to their mentors respectively and took a group photo.

The apprenticeship ceremony is to enable freshmen to adapt to corporate life faster and build a closer relationship with their mentors. As the saying goes: "Teachers are also those who preach and teach karma to solve doubts." The ceremony of worshiping a teacher is the embodiment of respecting the teacher and the testimony of the teacher-student worship.

After the etiquette was over, the tutors communicated with the students one after another, shared the cake, and got closer to each other in a cheerful atmosphere.






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