英语单词selfish怎么读,selfish的音标是什么,selfish是什么意思 您所在的位置:网站首页 selfish翻译 英语单词selfish怎么读,selfish的音标是什么,selfish是什么意思


2022-07-25 00:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  用作形容词 (adj.)

  I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour. 我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。

  I call his behaviour mean and selfish. 我认为他的行为卑鄙、 自私。

  Nobody but you could be so selfish. 除了你之外,谁也不会这样自私。

  I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. 我生平是个利己的人,虽然只在实践而非原则上如此。





  sell out的意思是“出售股份”“脱销”; sell up的意思是“变卖财产”“卖光”。

  sell out, sell off和sell up都可作“售完”或“卖光”解,但三者的意境色彩不同。试比较 Sorry, we’ve all sold out of shirts in yoursize.对不起,合你尺寸的衬衣已经卖完了。(一般陈述)The novel sold out quickly.这部小说很快销售一空。(供不应求)Well, let these goods be sold off.好吧,就把这些货物全部卖光。(急于脱手)The boss had to sell up.这个老板只好把存货卖光。(出于不得已,如还债)











  用作名词 (n.)

  His writing has improved greatly in this semester. 这学期他的写作有了很大进步。











  用作名词 (n.)

  This is a semiconductor integrated circuit. 这是一个半导体集成电路。




  用作名词 (n.)

  I attended almost every lecture and seminar when I was at college. 我上大学时,几乎每一个讲座和研讨会都去参加。

  He also told me that your attendance at his tutorial and seminar had was poor. 他还告诉我说你的辅导课和讨论课出勤率不高。

  He conducted a seminar on learning strategies at our campus last weekend. 上周他在我们学校办了一个有关学习策略的学习班。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The Senate has voted to support the President’s defense plans. 参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。

  The Senate resolved to accept the President’s budget proposals. 参议院通过决议接受总统的预算建议。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The senator voted to support the president. 这位参议员投票支持总统。

  The senator addressed the gathering informally. 那位参议员非正式地向与会者发表演说。

  The senator declaimed against higher taxes. 该参议员抨击增加税收。

  send可表示“使……被送到”,但是没有“赠送”的含义。 Thank you for sending the flowers.句中的send不是赠送的意思。

  动词send,take和give在同一类型句子中表示不同意思。 I shall send the book to him tomorrow.我会在明天把这本书(托人梢或从邮局寄)给他(自己并不去)。 I shall take the book to him tomorrow.我会在明天把这本书送到他那里(自己拿去)。 I shall give the book to him tomorrow.我将在明天把这本书赠给他(我自己也许去,也许不去)。

  send for sb表示“托人去做什么”。 I shall send for him to the office.我将托人到事务所去叫他来。 I shall send for him from the office.我将托人叫他从事务所来。

  send是瞬间动作,不可以用完成时态。 I sent it to him a week ago.我一星期以前就把它送给他了。


  send的基本意思是“派; 打发”,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地。也可作“用无线电波发送”“使…猛然或迅速移动”“发出信息”等解。

  用于比喻, send还可作“使…兴奋,使激动”“施与,赐给”解。





  send接介词after表示“派人寻找”; 接副词away表示“遣走”“解雇”; 接副词down表示“使下降”; 接副词off表示“送别”“运送”或“差遣”; 接副词out表示“发出”“长出”; 接副词up表示“发射; 使上升”。send word的意思是“(请人)带口信,口头通知”。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  He is senior to me, though he is younger. 他地位比我高,虽然他比我年轻。

  Lying north of the church is a girls’ senior high school. 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。

  Although he is senior to his wife, he is inferior to her in salary. 虽然她年长于他的妻子,但他妻子的收入比他高。

  A senior member of the committee is authorized to act for the chairman during his absence. 主席不在时,授权委员会中的一位资深委员代理他的职务。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The three vice-ministers are my seniors. 三位副部长都是我的上司。

  He is my senior by two years. 他比我大两岁。

  This is a senior of the profession. 这是一位同行中的老前辈。

  The seniors defeated the juniors by 3-1. 四年级学生以三比一战胜了三年级学生。

  用作名词 (n.)

  He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。

  I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards. 我知道火车已经停了,但我觉得火车在倒退。

  The outrageous book created a sensation. 那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。

  The anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhat between bliss and fear. 期待使我产生了介于幸福与恐惧之间的激动。

  He lost all sensation in his legs through cramp. 他的腿部因抽筋而失去知觉。

  sense作名词,词组come to one’s senses可根据语境解释为“恢复理智”或“恢复知觉”。 She has been behaving very foolishly.I hope she’ll soon come to her senses.她近来常做蠢事,我希望她赶紧恢复理智。 She has been struck on the head by a rock and has lost consciousness.I hope she’ll soon come to her senses.由于她的头撞在石头上,失去了知觉。我希望她赶快恢复知觉。

  common sense指“常识”,与common knowledge和general knowledge不同。common sense指大多数人从经验中得来的常识,不需研究。common knowledge指在某个范围内大家都知道的事,受范围限制,不指所有人。general knowledge和common knowledge有时意思一样,但通常指从研究或注意得来的关于许多事物的基本知识,与 specialized knowledge意义相反;

  common sense只有在作形容词时才写成common-sense;

  sense of humour指“幽默感”,没有幽默感可以说have no sense of humour或lack humour。


  sense的基本意思是“感官”,即人体感受客观事物刺激的器官(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身)或其所具有的功能; 也可表示“感觉”,即客观事物的个别特性在人脑中引起的反应。sense的复数形式可指五种感觉,即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。sense引申还可表示对价值的“理解,觉察,感悟,辨别”,常用作单数形式,但前常可加冠词a或the。




  sense用作名词是“感官,感觉”的意思,转化为动词作“隐约感觉到; 意识到; 发觉”解,强调通过直觉而产生,不可与表示清晰感觉的词如冷、暖、快乐等连用。

  在美国口语中, sense可作“领会”“发觉”“认识”解。

  sense是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句,或疑问词引导的从句作宾语; 还可接“to be+ n. / adj. ”或现在分词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  To wink at rudeness in children is not sensible. 对小孩粗鲁的行为视若无睹是不明智的。

  That sounds very sensible to me. 我觉得这很合理。

  Her distress was sensible from her manner. 她的悲痛从她的态度上可觉察到。

  It was a sensible idea, I felt. 我觉得这是切合实际的想法。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The world of dreams is our real world whilst we are sleeping because our attention then lapses from the sensible world. 在睡眠中梦见的世界便是我们的真实世界,因为那时我们的注意力已从可感知世界转移开。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  Don’t be so sensitive and I was not criticizing you. 别那么敏感,我不是在批评你。

  What food and fruit are sensitive? 哪些食物和水果是感光的?

  The film is coated with light sensitive chemicals, which are change by the different shades and colors of light. 胶卷上涂了一层感光的化学物质,这些物质因光的不同色度与颜色而改变。

  Wear rubber gloves if you have very sensitive skin. 如果你的皮肤容易受伤的话,就带上橡胶手套。

  I have a helpful and sensitive friend. 我有一位乐于助人、善解人意的朋友。




  sentence与for连用,意为“因…而判处”; 与to连用意为“判处…”。




  用作名词 (n.)

  He could feel the sentiment stirring within him. 他可以感觉到这种情绪在心中波动。

  His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment. 他的讲话表露出一种强烈的民族主义情绪。

  He could not adequately express his sentiment. 他无法恰当地表达出他的感情。

  What are his sentiments on this issue? 他对这个问题持什么观点?

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  Can these two definitions be conflated, or must they be kept separate? 这两个定义可以合成一个呢,还是必须分开?

  I advocate separate classes for students to learn Chinese in different ways. 我建议我们分班授课,让不同的学生以不同的方式学习华文。

  We don’t have a separate dining room—the living area is all one. 我们没有单独的饭厅——活动空间都在一处。

  用作动词 (v.)

  We’d better separate the good ones from the bad ones. 我们最好把好的和坏的分开。

  Even numerous mountains and rivers cannot separate our friendship. 纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。

  This examination is intended to separate the sheep from the goats. 这次考试就是想区分一下水平高低。

  Children suffer from divided loyalties when their parents separate. 父母分居时孩子们会因不知对谁忠诚为好而感到痛苦。

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。

  用作名词 (n.)

  Nothing can separate them from each other now. 现在什么也不能把他们彼此分开了。

  It’s hard for me to separate the two fighting boys. 我很难把这两个打架的孩子分开。


  September是公历一年中的第9个月份,农历中的“九月”是the ninth moon。泛指“9月”时,September前一般不加冠词。

  last September是指去年9月,September before last指“前年9月”。



  September源于 Semptem ,是罗马历法的七月,最初一年只有十个月,后增加为十二个月,所以原来的七月就成为九月。又英美人常以Sepphire(蓝宝石)和Morning Glory(牵牛花)指代九月。

  用作名词 (n.)

  We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。

  He described the events of that day in sequence. 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。

  A sequence of murders had prompted the police to actions. 一连串的谋杀迫使警方不得不采取行动。

  用作及物动词 (vt.)

  Please sequence the names in alphabetical order. 请按字母顺序排列好名单。

  用作名词 (n.)

  After breakfast, he went on with his serial. 早饭之后,他继续写他的连载故事。

  Downloaded serial numbers may not be transferred. 下载的序列号不能传输。

  Please write down your serial number. 请记录下您的序列号。

  This drama serial is very popular. 这部连续剧很受欢迎。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  Currency notes have serial number. 钞票上有连续的号码。

  Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening. 我们的新系列惊险故事于今晚7时30分开始播出。

  The serial novel of Harry Potter can bring you into a mysterious world. “哈利&%2523183;波特”系列小说可以带你走进魔幻世界。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions. 这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为依据的。

  He published a new series of readers for students of English. 他出版了一套新的英语学习丛书。

  After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。

  A serious look passed over his face. 他脸上显出一副严肃的神色。

  There was a serious motor smash on the bridge. 桥上发生了严重的汽车相撞事故。

  We are today facing a serious credit crunch. 我们今日正面对严重的信贷困难。

  I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner. 我晚餐时说的话是当真的。

  It was felt inappropriate by some that such a serious occasion should include dancing. 有些人认为在如此庄重的场合跳舞实在是不妥。



  public servant的意思是“公仆”, general servant指“杂役”。

  在现在,表示“雇来做家务事的人”应避免用servant,尤其是在广告或称呼语中可用houseworker, maid, nurse等词代替。

  公函末尾署名前常可用Your obedient servant作客套用语。


  serve的基本意思是“服务,服役”,它可指某人为他人服务、干活或为国家尽职等; 也可指某人拿出某物款待某人; 还可指某人、物、事对某人、某事等“有…用处”“满足…的需要”“适合…的目的”等。在网球或排球比赛中还可作“发(球)”解。


  用作名词 (n.)

  The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的义工做得很出色。

  We all complain about the poor service in the hotel coffee lounge. 我们都抱怨饭店咖啡休息室的劣质服务。

  You must run fast enough to return his service. 你必须要跑得很快才可能接起他的发球。

  I’d like to know something about badminton game,first,can you tell me about the service? 我想了解一下羽毛球比赛,能否先给我说说发球?

  His poor health disbarred him from further service in the army. 因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。

  His military service was deferred. 他被允许缓期服役。

  His father had been in the diplomatic service. 他的父亲曾在外交部门供职。

  I have a service passport to America. 我有美国的公务护照。

  The machine has been sent in for service. 这台机器已送来检修。

  用作动词 (v.)

  He suggested that my car should be serviced. 他建议我把汽车送去保养。

  We have the machines serviced regularly. 我们请人定期维修机器。

  And once in orbit,there’s no inexpensive and simple way to service them. 一旦进入轨道,也没有一套简便和低耗的方式来对它们进行维护。

  The power station is serviced by road transport. 这座发电站的燃料是通过公路运送的。

  I had to service a lot of debts last year. 去年我不得不为债务支付大量的利息。

  用作名词 (n.)

  If the negotiations between the rich northerly nations and poor southerly nations make headway, it is intended that a ministerial session in December should be arranged. 要是北方富国和南方穷国之间的谈判获得进展的话,就打算在十二月份安排召开部长级的会议。

  Is Parliament in session during the summer? 议会在夏季是开会期吗?

  Be seated! This court is now in session. 请坐下!本庭现在开庭。

  The Congress ended its first session on January4. 代表大会第一次会议在1月4日结束。

  She attended the summer session of college. 她上大学的暑期班。

  Stock prices managed some solid gains on Monday despite another choppy session. 尽管又是一个令人捉摸不定的交易期,周一的股价还是获得了稳固的收益。

  set作动词时,可表示“(太阳)落下去”。 The sun has set.太阳已下山。注意set后不可再接down。

  set sb sth表示给某人某事。 I have set him a task.我巳经给他一个任务。

  set sb to do sth表示使某人开始做某事。 I have set him to a task.我已经使他开始做一个任务。

  set的宾语后可接现在分词。 The joke set all of us laughing.这笑话让我们都大笑。

  set的宾语后也可接不定式。句子中的to catch也可改成to catching,把动作看成一个工作,可译为“她让她的猫去做捉老鼠的工作”; She set her cat to catch mice.她让她的猫去捉老鼠。

  set oneself to do sth表示“决意要做某事”。 He has set himself to read through the long novel.他决意要阅读这个长篇小说。








  this set〔these sets〕 of在句中用作主语时,谓语动词的数须与set的数一致。






  用作名词 (n.)

  He met with many a setback in his lifetime. 他一生中遭到过许多挫折。

  This setback has drained away my keenness. 这次挫折削弱了我的热情。

  Undaunted by his first setback, he decided to try once more. 不为最初的失败而动摇,他决定再试一次。

  用作名词 (n.)

  Our story has its setting in ancient Rome. 我们这个故事的背景是在古罗马。

  An informal work setting helps to build employee enthusiasm and morale. 不拘形式的工作环境,提高了员工的热情与士气。

  She liked the diamond itself but not the setting. 她喜欢那颗钻石,但不喜欢它的镶嵌底座。

  We are setting up a printing press. 我们正在安装一台印刷机。

  Popularize CA and the setting pattern. 推广客户自动化系统及安装模式。

  This setting repositions all existing list items in sorted order. 本设置以排序顺序重新放置现有的所有列表项。

  The setting sun inflames the sky. 落日映红天空。

  With the setting of the sun, night comes silently. 随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。


  settle的基本意思是“安”。可指“安放”“安置”“安家”,即使某人〔事〕处于稳定、有序、长期的位置或某个稳定、清闲的环境中; 也可指“安定”“安抚”“安静”,即长期压在心头的烦恼或起伏不定的事物得到安定; 还可指“安排”“解决”,即终止所有的怀疑、动摇和争论而使事情得到解决。根据上文可灵活译成“妥善安置”。引申可指“安排,使妥帖”“决定,解决”“使平静,使镇定”“调停,排解”“设定,安牢”“使就职”“使坐下”“使守规矩,使就范”“使坚固,使坚实”“使澄清,使沉淀”“支付,清算”“(法律)让渡,和解”“(动物学)受孕,怀胎”。



  用作名词 (n.)

  Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute. 谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法。

  After much discussion the negotiators hammered out a compromise settlement. 双方经多次谈判达成一项折衷的解决办法。

  I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。

  The pressure is now on the unions to reach a settlement. 目前正对各工会施加压力,要他们达成协议。

  They hope to be able to patch together a temporary settlement. 他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。

  The long French sojourn in Canada before English settlement has left its marks. 在英国殖民者之前,法国人在加拿大的长期居留也留下了痕迹。

  He took up his settlement in a new house. 他在新屋居住下来。

  用作数词 (num.)

  Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight. 7乘4等于28。

  I have seven roommates in my university. 上大学时,我有七个室友。


  several用作形容词,作“几个,数个,一些”解时,多指三个以上,十个以下,其后接复数名词,一般用于肯定句中; 作“各自的,不同的”解时,其后可接复数名词,也可接单数名词,但如果其前有each或every修饰时,其后则只能接单数名词。

  several与被other, such, more等词修饰的名词连用时,通常放在这些词前。




  用作形容词 (adj.)

  He’s suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。

  A severe storm turned the small village down to ground. 一场剧烈的风暴把小村夷为平地。

  The new product has stood a severe proof . 新产品经受了严格的考验。

  They can withstand severe tests. 他们能经得起严峻的考验。

  用作动词 (v.)

  The skirt is finished I’m now going to sew a pocket on. 裙子做好了–我现在再缝上个口袋。

  I’ll just sew up that tear, and the coat will be as good as new. 我把大衣的破处缝好,就会完好如新了。

  Tack the folds down before you sew them firmly into place. 先用大针脚将褶子松松地缀住,然后再将其缝纫到位。

  She preferred to sew rather than to knit. 她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。

  The quickest way to sew is with a sewing machine. 最快的缝纫办法是用缝纫机。

  用作名词 (n.)

  Everybody can come to this school,without respect to class, race, or sex. 不论阶级、种族、性别,人人都可以进这所学校上课。

  She disguised her true sex under a man’s garment. 她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。

  Hunger and sex are elemental drives of human beings. 食欲和性欲是人类的原始冲动。

  The movie is full of sex and violence. 这部电影充满了性和暴力。

  用作及物动词 (vt.)

  They sex up their commercial advertisements to attract customers. 他们使商业广告充满性感内容以吸引顾客。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  He owns nothing beyond the shabby house. 除了那个破旧的房子,他一无所有。

  His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. 他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象。

  His reasoning is weak, even shabby. 他的论证软弱无力,甚至可以说很拙劣。

  He even plays a shabby trick on his father. 他甚至同他的父亲玩弄卑鄙的手段。


  shade的基本意思是指阳光照不到的“阴凉处”,常跟定冠词the连用; 也可指照片、油画等的“阴影,阴暗部分”,用作不可数名词。

  shade可指能带来阴凉或遮盖较强光线的事物,即“遮光物”,常与其他名词构成复合词; 也可作“色调,色彩的浓淡”解; 作“细微的差别”解,常与介词of连用,用作可数名词。

  shade用在文学语言中,还可作“鬼魂,虚幻的事物”解,用作可数名词; 作“昏暗的暮色”解时,常用复数形式。


  shade的基本意思是“遮蔽”,多指遮蔽光亮、炎热,也可指一物体处在另一物体的某一方位而使后者不显露出来; 还可指画阴影于图画上,以增加图画颜色的深度。

  shade既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,意为“色调逐渐变化,产生细微差别”,常接介词into。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The tree cast its shadow on the wall. 树影映在墙上。

  His shadow followed him along the road. 他的影子一路上跟着他。

  The scandal cast a shadow on his career. 这件丑闻给他的事业投上了一层阴影。

  Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow. 有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。

  For years he lived in the shadow of his famous mother. 他受母亲盛名荫庇多年。

  He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him. 他走在暗处,希望没有人认出他来。

  用作及物动词 (vt.)

  Figmentary fears can shadow our whole existence. 想像中的恐惧能使我们整个生活蒙上阴影。

  He employed a detective to shadow his wife. 他雇用了一名私人侦探去跟踪他的夫人。

  If there is no shadow, spring is on the way. 如果它没有看到影子,则预示着春天即将到来。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  Add a Drop Shadow to the sketchbook using a simple layer style. 添加阴影的写生使用简单的图层样式。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  He went outside the walls, sat under a shady plant and sulked. 他走到围墙外面,站在一棵荫凉的植物下生气。

  Reymet gave his shady uncle Venco some Senate Guard access codes in exchange for his help, but Venco plotted to use the codes to murder a Galactic Senator. 雷梅特把几段议会卫士密码泄露给他可疑的伯伯文科,以换取对方的帮助,但文科计划用这些密码谋杀一位银河共和国议员。

  用作名词 (n.)

  In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings. 当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。

  The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy. 空气向下进入竖井,因而失去势能。

  If you bring them back to the lonely moor, you have to hit the shield three times with the shaft of the spear and then the silence of the moor will be broken forever. 如果你把这矛和盾带回到偏僻的荒野来,你必须要用矛的柄击银盾三下,这样荒野的寂静就能永远被打破。

  Nothing seems to be wrong with the propeller shaft. 转动轴看来没毛病。

  From somewhere above a shaft of crimson light fell upon him. 不知从什么高处射来的一道红光,又正落在他身上。

  用作动词 (v.)

  Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice. 倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。

  He shook his head in disapproval. 他摇了摇头表示反对。

  His voice shook with fear. 他害怕得声音发抖。

  It’s time to shake out the red flag. 是把这面红旗打开的时候了。

  She reached out her hand and offered to shake his. 她伸了手去,想和他握手。

  When people meet,they shake hands as a token of friendship. 人们相时逢的候

  用作名词 (n.)

  He finished the bottle of wine in a shake. 他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。

  You should give him a fair shake. 你应该对他待之以诚。


  shall表示单纯的将来,用于第一人称; 第二人称只用于问句; 口语中常以will代替,作“将要,会”解。





  用作形容词 (adj.)

  This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river. 我们有可能从这片浅滩过河。

  That dish is too shallow to serve soup in. 那只盘子太浅了,不能盛汤。

  Homesickness is a shallow strait, I stand here, my homeland is on the other side. 乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。

  It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。

  用作名词 (n.)

  This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river. 我们有可能从这片浅滩过河。

  The group became trapped in a shallow cove of Long Island south last week. 上个礼拜,这些海豚在南边长海岛的浅滩被困住了。

  The ship was grounded in shallow water. 船在水浅处搁浅。

  A shallow place in a body of water,such as a river,where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle. 可涉水而过的地方河等水体的浅处,人们可以在此步行或骑动物或用交通工具淌过。

  用作动词 (v.)

  The rock assemblage of shallow exposed bank-microfacies is the basis of the formation of pore layers and reservoir permeability systems. 变浅暴露滩微相的岩石组合是孔隙层和储渗体形成的基础。

  用作名词 (n.)

  His love was a sham; he only wanted her money. 他爱她是假的,他只想要她的钱。

  Are these real diamonds or only sham? 这些是真的钻石还是赝品?

  He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham. 他是男子汉?见鬼!他是个虚伪的骗子。

  用作形容词 (adj.)

  They cunningly played the game of sham peace. 他们狡滑地玩弄假和平的把戏。

  用作动词 (v.)

  He’s only shamming. 他只是假装而已。

  用作名词 (n.)

  He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty. 他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。

  He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame. 他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有旁观者都相形见绌。

  Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school. 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。

  It is a shame to take money from those who can’t afford it. 拿别人的钱使人家无以自立是十分可耻的。

  用作及物动词 (vt.)

  He was shamed by how much more work the others had done. 别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。

  Her careful work put all the rest to shame. 她的细致工作使得其余所有的人都自愧不如。

  用作名词 (n.)

  She wetted her hair and then put shampoo on it. 她把头发弄湿后抹上洗发剂。

  I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. 我把头发上的洗发剂冲洗乾净了。

  He sponged down the car to remove the shampoo. 他用海绵把汽车上的洗涤剂擦掉了。

  I want a haircut, and a shampoo. 我要理发并洗头。

  shape作名词,在美式英语中指“情况”,现在也用于英式英语,如in bad shape,in better shape,in fair shape,in good shape等;

  shape所在的句子,有时可省略句中的介词of。 My desk is (of) the same shape as yours.我的桌子的形状和你们的是一样的。









  用作及物动词 (vt.)

  Children should be taught to share their toys. 应该教育孩子们分享玩具。

  Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others. 把恐惧留给自己,和他人分享勇气。

  Share the fruit among your friends. 把水果分给你的朋友们。

  I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和我姐姐合住一间卧室。

  用作不及物动词 (vi.)

  There is only one bedroom, so we’ll have to share 只有一间卧室,所以我们得合着用。

  用作名词 (n.)

  Your share of the cost is 10 pounds. 你这一份费用是10英镑。

  You have to do your fair share of the work. 你必须做好你该分担的那一份工作。

  The plough was already scoring in the field opposite the window, and where the share has been, the earth was pressed flat and gleamed with moisture. 对着窗户的外面,铧犁正在田野划刻着印迹,犁头所到之处,土被压得平平整整,湿气在阳光下闪亮。

  用作名词 (n.)

  The shark snapped its jaws shut. 鲨鱼啪嗒一声把嘴合上了。

  The shark is dangerous to swimmers. 鲨鱼对游泳的人来说很危险。

  He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead. 他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。

  That shark lent me money at very high interest rate. 那个贪婪狡猾的人以很高的利率借给我钱。


  sharp的基本意思是“锋利的,尖锐的”,也可作“急转的,陡峭的”“突然的,急剧的”“尖锐的,刺耳的”“强烈的,辛辣的,刺鼻的”“刺骨的,凛冽的,剧烈的”“蓄意中伤的,尖刻的,严厉的”解; 指人时,强调精明,不易受骗,指动作时强调机警、敏捷等,可作“灵敏的,机警的”“迅速的,敏捷的,活跃的”“过分精明的,狡猾的,不择手段的”“时髦的,漂亮的”解。






  用作动词 (v.)

  The glass shattered. 这杯子碎了。

  She shattered the cup when she dropped it on the floor. 她把杯子掉在地板上,摔得粉碎。

  My dreams have been shattered. 我的梦想已经破灭了。

  Her experience of divorce shattered her illusions about love. 她的离婚经历使她对爱情的幻想破灭了。

  The outcome of the conflict shattered our dreams of peace and prosperity. 冲突的后果摧毁了我们对和平与繁荣的梦想。

  The unexpected death of their son shattered them. 儿子的意外死亡给他们带来沉重的打击。

  We were totally shattered after the long journey. 我们经过长途旅行都已精疲力竭。


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