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About Royal Alloy

2024-06-12 18:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Royal Alloy are a British brand based in the North of England dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of totally unique ‘classic’ inspired scooters made to exacting standards utilising components from market leading suppliers.

鈥婳ur lead designer studied Industrial Design Engineering at the Internationally acknowledged ‘Central St Martins’ in London and oversees the design development. Royal Alloy work with leading designers in Italy alongside our own internal team to enhance the International ‘flair’ of our brand.

鈥婱anufacturing takes place in ISO9001 accredited plants to exacting standards in order to meet many international homologation requirements.

鈥婲ow we have all of the marketing hype covered, let us really talk about Royal Alloy!

鈥媁e love scooters with petrol engines and especially those that ooze ‘style’ expressing the persona of the rider!

鈥婦o we ride scooters, yes! Indeed we ride all manners of two wheeled transport and enjoy them all – but in particular we enjoy the style and freedom of the scooter – especially the Royal Alloy scooter – check our mission to be not only environmentally friendly, essentially trendy, we are unique, we do not follow others, we make our own journeys so why not join us….






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