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2023-09-14 16:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

reap短语词组_reap常用短语_reap短语搭配_reap词汇搭配 - ...

reap 习惯用语reap as [what] one has sown (=As a man sows so he shall reap)■种瓜得瓜; 种豆得豆; 自食其果reap where one has not sown■不劳而获 考试词汇表


reap意思 vt.&vi.收割庄稼;收获 vt.(因自己或他人所为)获得(某事物) reap词组短语 reap the benefits of获得益处 reap同义词 v.gather,garner,collect,pull to...

reap的用法和短语例句 - 百度文库

reap的用法2:reap可接介词from,表示“从…收获”“从…中得到回报”。 reap的用法3:reap作“收割”“收获”解时主语只能是人。 reap的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) reap from (v...

reap - Bing 词典

第三人称单数:reaps现在分词:reaping过去式:reaped 搭配 同义词 反义词 v.+n. reap harvest,reap benefit 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 reap 显示所有例句 v. 1. [t] ~ s...


如果我们“风中播种,将来必然收获旋风”(“现在做坏事,将来必收恶果”)。 reap翻译vt. 收割, 收获, 获得vi. 收割, 得到报应相关词组: reap where one has not sown 详情 展开...


reap v.收获,获得;收割cheap adj.廉价的;劣质的;卑鄙的,低级的 专治英语单词记不住登录后可查看全部内容词组和短语补充/纠错 reap the benefits 获利reap the benefits of st...


reap the full benefits带来滚滚财富 reap wheat收割小麦 ~+副词 reap handsomely得到慷慨回报 reap happily高兴地收割 reap seasonally季节性收割 reap vigorously强有力地...

reap_是什么意思、用法、例句 - 莲山课件

reap相关词组 1. reap where one has not sown : 不劳而获; reap相关例句 及物动词 1. The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field. 农民们忙着在田里割稻。 2. re...


相关词组: reap where one has not sown 在线英汉词典 reap的短语、例句: reap v 1 [I, Tn] cut and gather (a crop, esp grain) as harvest 收割(庄稼, 尤指谷物); 收获 rea...


reap 大小写变形:ReapREAP reap 词态变化:第三人称单数:reaps过去式:reaped过去分词:reaped现在分词:reaping 包含reap的单词更多> 包含reap的短语更多> Kind actsreaphappy s...


词组搭配 1. reap the harvest (或 fruits) of suffer the results or consequences of 遭受…的后果 critics believe we are now reaping the harvest of our permissive wa...


词组短语 reapthe benefits of获得益处; 例句 1. Let's say that you really, really want toreapsome future prosperity. 让我们假设你真的很想去收获一些未来的辉煌。 —— 精选...


reap 英[ri:p] 美[rip] vt.& vi.收割;获得;得到(报偿) 网络收获;收割;会收获 词形变化: 过去式:reaped过去式:reaped过去式:reaping过去式:reaps 双语例句词组习语同反义词更...


reap 相关词组 reap在线翻译 1. reap where one has not sown : 不劳而获; reap 相关例句 及物动词 11. As with all aspects of football we have attempted to mimic this change in CM4, howeve...


词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语 • reap as one has sown 自食其果。 • reap as what one has sown 自食其果。 • reap fabulous profits 牟取暴利。 • reap laurels 赢得声望...


9、You must reap what you have sown. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 10、You are the greatest enemy if you are a coward, but if you are brave, you are your grea...


单词/词组检索reap 级别 第6级 音标 [ ri:p ] 解释 vt. 收获,获得;收割 vi. 收割,收获 英英释义 to cut and collect a grain crop 发音 例句 1. It is not easy to reap the harvest of my hard ...

英语可数与不可数名词常用的修饰语 (菁选3篇)

39、As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 40、Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明的动力。 41、Fact speak louder than wo...

还记得reap 是什么意思吗❓看图猜猜看㊙️㊙️

👁‍🗨reap /riːp/ v. 收割,获得,收获 词组短语: reap the wheat收割小麦 reaped the corn收割谷子 reap machine收割机 例句: The


当我们想要表达“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”或者具有负面含义的“自作自受”时,有一个词组可以同时用于这两种表达。 You reap what you sow. Your actions dictate ...






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