牛津译林版七年级上册词性转换专项训练(word版,含答案) 您所在的位置:网站首页 rainy词性 牛津译林版七年级上册词性转换专项训练(word版,含答案)


2024-02-26 16:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


7A词性转换专项训练默写一、词性变化:( 初一 )1. Library(名词) 2. enjoy(形容词) 3. hungry(名词)4. beautiful(名词) 5. leaf(复数) 6. report(名词)7. wait(名词) 8. thief(复数) 9. young(名词)10. child(复数) 11. teach(名词) 12. clean(名词)13. read(名词) 14. rain(形容词) 15. wind(形容词)16. sun(形容词) 17. cloud(形容词) 18. snow(形容词)19. bad(比较级、最高级) 20. terrible(副词) 21. scarf(复数)22. swim(名词) 23. high(名词) 24. thin(比较级、最高级)25. sing(名词) 26. potato(复数) 27. decide(名词)28. loud(副词)Keys:1. Librarian 2. enjoyable 3. hunger4. beauty 5. leaves 6. reporter7. waiting 8. thieves 9. youth10. children 11. teacher 12. cleaner13. reading 14. rainy 15. windy16. sunny 17. cloudy 18. snowy19. worse, worst 20. terribly 21. scarves22. swimming 23. height 24. thinner, thinnest25. singer/singing 26. potatoes 27. decision28. loud/loudly二、根据括号内单词的适当形式填空,要求划出关键词。Li Ping is good at _________. ( draw)Alice prefers to do some__________. (shop)Mary is my _______ sister and she is 2 years _________ than I. (old)Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word (mean)All the __________ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win)The video game machine is so _______ that all of us are ________ in it. (interest)We are _________ thankful for all your help.(true)Our life today is much _________than before. (good)December is the_________ month of a year. (twelve)Computers are becoming more and more________ in our life.( use)11. " Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ______. (angry)Did you enjoy ___________at yesterday's party (you)What is the __________ of the parcel (post)Every morning my grandpa spends half an hour __________ the flowers. (water)Computers can work out problems far _______________ than human beings. (quick)Mary is the __________ of three sisters. (old)The little girl plays piano ____________. (wonder)Who was the ___________ of the high jump (win)When he was only 3 years old, he started hard ______________ with his father. (train)Now more and more ___________ are coming to visit China from other countries.(visit)I found his ____________pen under the table. (lose)Have you received Mary's _____________ (invite)Alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of two _____________of bread. (loaf)We must not only think _____________.(we)The boy is sitting in his seat ____________. (quiet)Today is his _______________ birthday. (eighty)Tom can throw ___________ than I (far)He started_____________ the piano at the age of four. (play)Children should do some housework. It is also a way of ______________.(relax)"It is never too late to learn" is a Chinese ____________.(say)Don't believe her. I can __________ say that she did not tell us the __________. (true)It is raining _____________. You must drive carefully. (heavy)My deskmate look _____________, for he failed in the English test. (happy)How______________ he has got the first prize. (luck)The old lady looked ____________ at me. (angry)Many animals are so ______________ to us. (help)We are going to have a ___________ about this problem.(discuss)Don't take it away. It is an ___________ test paper.( correct)The famous ___________ can speak 3 languages. (science)These artists use _______things or men as their models. They draw pictures ____ well. (real)My daughter looks much________________ than her deskmate. (health)Some ____________ are interested in Chinese food. (Germany)The teacher ___________ the matter just now. ( discussion)All of you must hand in your ____________ after class. (paper)The weather report says it is _____________. (cloud)Of all the boxes, the one in the corner is the ________________. (heavy)All of them are ___________ to their new ____________. (friend)I am not used to the weather here. It is ____________. (change)He is a ___________ scientist. He comes from ______________. (German)I know these ____________ over there quite well. (fish )We want to have a talk with your ________________. (manage)Is it ____________to collect stamps (use)The old man likes to live in a ____________place. Now he is sitting there ________ . (quiet)Please help ______________to the cake. (you)Our Chinese teacher has some ___________ papers _______________.( correct)Keys:1-5 drawing, shopping, elder, older, meaning, winners6-10 interesting, interested, truly, better, twelfth, useful11-15 angrily, yourself, poster, watering, quicker, oldest16-20 wonderfully, winner, training, visitors, lost21-25 invitation, loaves, ourselves, quietly, eightieth26-30 farther, playing, relax, saying, truly, truth31-35 heavily, unhappy, luckily, angrily, helpful36-40 discussion, incorrect, scientist, real, really, healthier41-45 Germans, are discussing, paper, cloudy, heaviest46-50 friendly, friend, changeable, German, Germany, fish, manager51-55 useful, quiet, quietly, yourself, incorrect, corrected强化训练词性转换11. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)9. The new hospital is ___ (location) in one of the new estate.*10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new bicycle. (happiness)词性转换21. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).6. Don’t to him! (listening)7. It is a suitable ___ (locate) for the new post office.8. Thank you for giving me so ___ present! (love)*9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago. (real)*10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is _________ (rainy)词性转换11. practises 2. professional 3. quickly 4. rain 5. rainy, rain 6. really 7. really, real 8. real, really 9. located 10. unhappy词性转换21. quickly, quick 2. rainy 3. runner 4. reciting 5. library 6. listen 7. location 8. lovely 9. realized 10. rained, raining用所给词的适当形式填空25’(一)1. This is the _______(twelve)apple. 2. There are twenty _______(Japanese )in the picture.3. Can you help me with _______(swim) 4. His mother is a_______(music)5. She_______(not do ) her homework at 7:00 in the evening.6. He is the last one_______(take) a shower. 7. I don’t like noodles, but I like_______(tomato)8. They are all_______(Englishman) 9. He is only ten_______(month) old.10. How many _______(people)are there in your class 11. He can play the guitar_______(good)12. _______(thief)don’t like policemen.13. Pandas and dolphins are very_______(friend) to people.(二)go, teach, dumplings, listen, interest, join, begin, cross, friend, shop, tell, play, drink, grass, be, animal, two, busy.1. _______you a teacher Yes, I_______ 2. A good_______ makes a good ending(结束).3. His house is on a_______ street. It’s very noisy(吵).4. He can’t_______ basketball because he is ill. 5. Thanks for _______me the good news.6. I often go_______ with my mother on Sunday afternoon.7. The boy is swimming _______the river.8. I have many good_______ at school. They are all friendly.9. Susan wants_______ the music club because she likes singing.10. Do sheep like eating _______ Yes, they do11. Miss Green usually_______ to work early in the morning and gets home late at night.12. Miss Wang is an English_______ . We all love her.13. What are his favorite_______ Dolphins.14. Chinese people like to eat_______ during the Spring Festival.15. I’m thirsty(渴). I’d like something_______ 16. The _______month of the year is February.17. He plays the guitar well. We all love_______ to him.18. I think the novel(有趣) is very_______ . I like it.(三)play with, get on, live in, play chess, in front of, get up, summer camp(夏令营), Best wishes, kind of, at night, take a shower, be from, take a bus, put on, welcome to, in a word(总之), be good with, eat lunch, go straight, in danger.1. _____________House of Dumplings. We have many kinds of delicious dumplings.2. Where______ he_______ Japan.3. My grandfather usually _____________at 6:00 to do sports every morning.4. Our school is going to held(举行) a _____________5. Look, the bus is coming. But there are too many people. We can’t _____________ it.6. Which city does your aunt _____________ 7. Mary ___________ her jacket and goes to school.8. He often _____________every evening before going to bed.9. Daming likes to _____________ and he gains(获得) the prize(奖) in the chess competition(比赛).10. Our English teacher _____________us, and we all like her.11. The storybook is very interesting, ____________ , I like it very much.12. Ann likes to _____________ her Chinese friends, because she thinks they are very friendly.13. He often watches TV and does his homework ________ , because he thinks it’s quiet at that time.14. It’s 12:00 now. It’s time to _____________ . Let’s go.15. What _____________ noodles would you like Beef noodles.16. The blackboard is _____________ the classroom. 17. _____________to your father.18. She often _____________ to school at 7:00.19. Just _____________ and turn left, you’ll find the supermarket.20. My grandmother is ill. She is _____________.(一)1. twelfth 2. Japanese 3. swimming 4. musician 5. doesn’t do 6. to take 7. tomatoes 8. Englishmen 9. months 10. people 11. well 12. Thieves 13. friendly(二)1. Are, am 2. beginning 3. busy 4. play 5. telling 6. shopping 7. across 8. friends 9. to join 10. grass 11. goes 12. teacher 13. animal 14. dumplings 15. to drink 16. second 17. listening 18. interesting(三)1. Welcome to 2. inform 3. gets up 4. summer camp 5. get on 6. live in 7. puts on 8. takes a shower 9. play chess 10. is good with 11. in a word 12. play with 13. at night 14. eat lunch 15. kind of 16. in front of 17. Best wishes 18. takes a bus 19. go straight 20. in danger








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