如何使用多张图片创作拼贴画 您所在的位置:网站首页 ps拼贴画怎么做 如何使用多张图片创作拼贴画


2023-06-19 19:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

About the artist:

Molly Scannell finds freedom in collaging. She discovered the art of collage in high school and started working with cut paper shapes. She has since fine-tuned her skills as a digital collage artist and engages in collage mostly as a hobby and form of meditation.

When Molly landed her first job in New York City, she had to move on from the world of mechanical pencils and sketch pads and quickly learn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator on her own. Nowadays, Molly lives just outside Boston and works as a freelance designer with a focus on digital design and illustration. She has an impressive list of clients in her portfolio including Tivoli, Mopar, Chrysler Group, ING, Sunglass Hut, Smithsonian, and CBS.

Outside her professional life, Molly enjoys getting her kids involved with collage projects. Together, they gather stacks of paper and magazines and start creating. Sometimes it’s a free-for-all, sometimes they pick a category and just go with it. Either way, they make it fun.






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