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piranha是什么意思 piranha的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-06-02 19:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  piranha是什么意思 piranha的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 词释:piranha是指一种肉食性淡水鱼类,嘴巴里面有钩状的牙齿,很凶猛。缩写词PIRA也可以指哥伦比亚的游击队。

  2. 用法词性:piranha是名词,可以用作主语、宾语、定语和表语等。

  3. 发音:[p??r?n?]。

  4. 词源:源于南美洲印第安语言,在当地语言中意为“锋利的齿”。

  5. 近义词:类似的单词包括:carnivorous fish、meat-eating fish等。


  1. The piranha is one of the most feared freshwater fish in the world.


  2. You can hear the sound of piranhas snapping their jaws together as they attack their prey.


  3. The PIRA is a left-wing guerrilla group that operates in Colombia.


  4. The piranha’s teeth are so sharp that they can even bite through steel wire.


  5. We had to be careful when swimming in the river because there were piranhas lurking beneath the suce.





  1. The piranha is known for its sharp teeth and aggressive behavior. (食人鱼以其锐利的牙齿和攻击性行为而著名。)

  2. The documentary showed how a school of piranhas could skeletonize a cow in just a few minutes. (这部纪录片展示了一群食人鱼如何在短短几分钟内将一只牛骨架化。)



  例句:Over 300 species breed here, including red-bellied piranha (大约有300多种动物在此繁殖, 其中包括红腹锯脂鲤)


  例句:Tantor: But this time I really see something! Oh, boy. Piranha . . . it’s a piranha ! (丹冬:可是这回我真看到有东西!天哪。食人鱼……是食人鱼!)


  例句:I know this is crazy but it was a Piranha. Like the one on the news. I swear to god (我知道这很疯狂 但是好象新闻里说的食人鱼)


  例句:They ‘re like deep sea piranha devouring that chicken. (翻译:它们就像深海食人鱼 狠吞虎咽地吃了那只鸡)

  1. I know this is crazy but it was a Piranha. Like the one on the news. I swear to god (翻译:我知道这很疯狂 但是好象新闻里说的食人鱼)

  2. They ‘re like deep sea piranha devouring that chicken. (翻译:它们就像深海食人鱼 狠吞虎咽地吃了那只鸡)

  3. Piranha can strip a fish to the bone in minutes. (翻译:锯脂鲤几分钟内便能 将一条活鱼啃得只剩下骨架)

  4. Like a pit bull, piranhas will tear the flesh from your bones. Also like a pit bull, they bark. [piranha audio type 1] Kind of. (翻译:如同斗牛一样,食人鱼可以撕出人骨头中的肌肉,它们也会像斗牛一样的吼叫[食人鱼音频类型之一]。)

  5. The piranha is a tropical river fish, not much bigger than a man’s hand, but with a mean set of teeth. (翻译:食人鱼是一种热带的淡水鱼,比人的手稍大一点但有一排整齐的牙齿。)

  6. Time for the ultimate killer’s test: How would the piranha react to my duck? (翻译:现在是终极杀手测试时间:水虎鱼会对我的鸭子如何反应呢? )

  7. I liked to think of myself as a grown man, but consternation was eating away at my bravado like a starved piranha devouring its prey. (翻译:我那时喜欢把自己看作是一个大人,但惊恐慌乱就像一条饥肠辘辘的食人鱼吞食猎物一般,渐渐攻破了我的虚张声势。)

  8. Cover patches of rainforest to worry and despair, to appreciate the original share of quiet, beautiful and terrible to see piranha. (翻译:让片片雨林遮住烦恼与忧愁,去体味那份原始的宁静,看看美丽而又可怕的食人鱼。)

  9. A bull can walk into a river, get attacked by piranha s , and a few minutes later only its skeleton will be bobbing in the water. (翻译:一头牛可能会走到河里,受到食人鱼的攻击,几分钟后就会看到它的骨架在水中映出的亮光了。)

  10. One night, after a Piranha editing session, Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman. (翻译:一天晚上,开完《食人鱼》编辑会之后,卡梅隆发着高烧睡着了,梦见自己看见一个机器人张牙舞爪走向一个惊恐的女人。)

  11. “Black Christmas”, “House of Wax”, “The Fog”, uh, “Piranha”. (翻译:《厄夜舞会》 《黑色圣诞节》 《恐怖蜡像馆》 《迷雾》)

  12. But he seems like a piranha guy to me. (翻译:但是在我看来 他就是一条食人鱼 But he seems like a piranha guy to me.)

  13. Most piranha species are omnivores and scavengers. (翻译:绝大多数食人鱼类是杂食和食腐动物。)

  14. – Hi. Sure. I’m not afraid of the piranha women. (翻译:没人告诉我他会到这里 我需要知道他是谁,他的采访是什么类型的)


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