UserBenchmark: AMD RX 570 vs Nvidia GeForce MX250 您所在的位置:网站首页 mx230跟mx250差别 UserBenchmark: AMD RX 570 vs Nvidia GeForce MX250

UserBenchmark: AMD RX 570 vs Nvidia GeForce MX250

2024-06-09 06:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Radeon RX 570 is the second in the line-up of AMD’s 500 series of GPUs targeting the popular mid-range market. The 500 series is based on the second generation Polaris architecture and is a minor upgrade over the 400 series. The RX 570 is around 10% faster than its predecessor, the RX 470. With 2048 cores, it is a cut down version of the RX 580 which is $30 more expensive and around 20% faster. At $130, the RX 570 offers superb value to gamers on a very tight budget. By dropping detail levels slightly below maximum the RX 570 can deliver 60 EFps in most of today’s popular games. If at all possible, we would suggest spending around $50 more for the 30% faster 8GB RX 590 which can comfortably hold 60+ EFps at 1080p with maximum details. [Nov '19 GPUPro]







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