Android混淆规则介绍 您所在的位置:网站首页 jni混淆 Android混淆规则介绍


2023-03-25 00:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






ProGuard是一个压缩、优化和混淆Java字节码文件的免费工具, 其作用有以下几点:

删除代码中的注释; 删除代码中没有用到的类、字段、方法和属性; 会把代码中的包名、类名、方法名,变量名等修改为abcd…这种没有意义的名字,使得反编译出来的代 码难以阅读,从而达到防止apk被破解和逆向分析的目的; 经过ProGuard混淆后,apk安装包会变小;




1. 开启混淆并配置混淆规则的位置


buildTypes { debug { //是否进行混淆 minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } release { //开启混淆只需要设置为true即可 minifyEnabled true //添加混淆规则的位置 proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } 2. 找到上衣步骤配置的混淆文件,在里面添加混淆规则


2.1 混淆规则常用到的命令含义


-keep class pageName.*


-keep class pageName.**


-keep class pageName.* {*;}


-keepclassmembers class pageName.*{*;}


-keep public class * extends


-keepclassmembers class pageName$内部类名 { //"$"的含义是保留某类的内部类不会被混淆 public *; }


; //匹配所有的构造器 ; //匹配所有的域 ; //匹配所有的方法 //可以在以上的命令前加上public、private、native等来进一步指定不被混淆的内容 //也可以在以上的命令后面加上参数,来指定含有特定的参数构造方法或者方法名不会被混淆 -keep class pageName { public ; //保留所有的public的构造方法不会被混淆 } -keep class pageName { public (java.lang.String); //保留所有的public的构造方法并且参数是String对象,不会被混淆 } -keep class pageName { //保留所有的private的方法名不会被混淆 private ; }


保留 防止被移除或者被重命名 防止被重命名 类和类成员 -keep -keepnames 仅类成员 -keepclassmembers -keepclassmembernames 如果拥有某成员,保留类和类成员 -keepclasseswithmembers -keepclasseswithmembernames

2.2 通用的一些混淆规则



-keepattributes *Annotation*


-keep class **.R$* {*;}


-keepclasseswithmembernames class * { native ; }


-keep class pageName{*;}


-keepattributes Signature


-keep class pageName** -keep class pageName**{*;}


# 保留枚举类不被混淆 -keepclassmembers enum * { public static **[] values(); public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String); }


-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable { public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *; }


-keepclassmembers class * implements { static final long serialVersionUID; private static final[] serialPersistentFields; !static !transient ; !private ; !private ; private void writeObject(; private void readObject(; java.lang.Object writeReplace(); java.lang.Object readResolve(); }


-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview { public *; } -keepclassmembers class * extends android.webkit.webViewClient { public void *(android.webkit.WebView, java.lang.String,; public boolean *(android.webkit.WebView, java.lang.String); } -keepclassmembers class * extends android.webkit.webViewClient { public void *(android.webkit.webView, jav.lang.String); }


#Android4.2以上需要添加以下的两个混淆配置 -keepattributes *Annotation* -keepattributes *JavascriptInterface* -keepclassmembers class pageName$内部类名 { public *; }



3. ProGuard作用


-dontshrink 关闭压缩


-dontoptimize 关闭优化 -optimizationpasses n 表示proguard对代码进行迭代优化的次数,Android一般为5


-dontobfuscate 关闭混淆

混淆后默认会在工程目录app/build/outputs/mapping/release下生成一个mapping.txt文件,这就是混淆规则,我们可以根据这个文件把混淆后的代码反推回源本的代码,所以这个文件很重要,注意保护好。原则上,代码混淆后越乱越无规律越好,但有些地方我们是要避免混淆的,否则程序运行就会出错 。

4. 常见问题

报错 Note: the configuration explicitly specifies '**' to keep library class ***.

ote: the configuration keeps the entry point 'retrofit.OkHttpCall$ExceptionCatchingRequestBody$1 { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer' Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'retrofit.RequestBuilder { void canonicalize(okio.Buffer,java.lang.String,int,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer' Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'retrofit.RequestBuilder$ContentTypeOverridingRequestBody { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink' Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'retrofit.RxJavaCallAdapterFactory$CallOnSubscribe { void call(rx.Subscriber); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Subscriber' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.Buffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.BufferOverflowException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.BufferUnderflowException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.ByteBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.ByteOrder' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.CharBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.DoubleBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.FloatBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.IntBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.LongBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.MappedByteBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'java.nio.*' to keep library class 'java.nio.ShortBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.ConnectionReuseStrategy' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.Header' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HeaderElement' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HeaderIterator' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpClientConnection' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpConnection' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpEntity' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpEntityEnclosingRequest' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpHost' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpInetConnection' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpMessage' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpRequest' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpResponse' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpResponseInterceptor' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.HttpVersion' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.NameValuePair' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.ProtocolException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.ProtocolVersion' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.RequestLine' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.StatusLine' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.AuthScheme' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.AuthSchemeRegistry' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.AuthState' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.Credentials' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.AuthenticationHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.CircularRedirectException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.CookieStore' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.HttpClient' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.HttpRequestRetryHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.RedirectException' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.RedirectHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.RequestDirector' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.UserTokenHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.AbortableHttpRequest' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpDelete' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpGet' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpHead' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpPost' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpPut' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpRequestBase' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.clienthods.HttpUriRequest' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.utils.URIUtils' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionOperator' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionRequest' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionReleaseTrigger' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ManagedClientConnection' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerPNames' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnPerRoute' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnPerRouteBean' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoute' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoutePlanner' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.routing.RouteInfo' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.HostNameResolver' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.LayeredSocketFactory' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SocketFactory' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.cookie.ClientCookie' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.cookie.CookieSpecRegistry' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.cookie.SetCookie' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.entity.AbstractHttpEntity' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.entity.HttpEntityWrapper' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.auth.AuthSchemeBase' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.auth.RFC2617Scheme' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRedirectHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.client.RedirectLocations' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.AbstractConnPool' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.RefQueueHandler' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.message.AbstractHttpMessage' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.message.HeaderGroup' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.AbstractHttpParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.CoreConnectionPNames' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.CoreProtocolPNames' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.HttpParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpProcessor' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpProcessor' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestInterceptorList' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpResponseInterceptorList' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.protocol.SyncBasicHttpContext' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.util.ByteArrayBuffer' Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'org.apache.http.**' to keep library class 'org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer' Note: there were 21 references to unknown classes. You should check your configuration for typos. ( Note: there were 1 references to unknown class members. You should check your configuration for typos. Note: there were 1027 unkept descriptor classes in kept class members. You should consider explicitly keeping the mentioned classes (using '-keep'). ( Note: there were 128 library classes explicitly being kept. You don't need to keep library classes; they are already left unchanged. ( Note: there were 65 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces. You should check if you need to specify additional program jars. ( Warning: there were 412 unresolved references to classes or interfaces. You may need to add missing library jars or update their versions. If your code works fine without the missing classes, you can suppress the warnings with '-dontwarn' options. ( Warning: there were 6 unresolved references to program class members. Your input classes appear to be inconsistent. You may need to recompile the code. ( Warning: there were 2 unresolved references to library class members. You probably need to update the library versions. Alternatively, you may have to specify the option '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers'. ( Warning: Exception while processing task Please correct the above warnings first. :app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.





-ignorewarnings -keep class * { public private *; }






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