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#‎《斜杠青年研究所》| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

    火锅、烤鱼、小龙虾…一口入魂的麻辣滋味,总是让人难以自拔。其实人的味蕾只能品出酸、甜、苦、咸、鲜,麻辣中的”辣”实际是由辣椒素产生的一种灼痛感;而麻辣中的“麻”则是一种触觉,准确来说是一种频率为50赫兹的震颤。当“辣”在你的舌间燃起一把熊熊烈火,“麻”则在一旁制造些许镇静,正是如此”阴阳调和“一般的巧妙搭配,让你对麻辣风味的美食无法抗拒。所以,除了咖啡和酒,麻辣食品也是一门让人上瘾的好生意。    在一次聚会上,赵耀尝到了一位英国朋友用青花椒油点缀的奶酪意面,他意识到:原来老家重庆的花椒油不仅可以在自家厨房拌黄瓜, 还拥有走上世界人民餐桌的潜力。于是,赵耀离开了在世界银行作为能源专家的全职工作,用自己的积蓄在美国创建了花椒油品牌50Hertz Tingly Foods。川味如此多椒,或许也能引世界吃货竞折腰?美国消费者对花椒带来的这种新奇口感也的确来者不拒,他们常常给赵耀写信,分享自己是如何把花椒油浇在披萨、爆米花和冰激淋里。这给了赵耀很大的正反馈,他也坚信自己并非调味品供应商,他创办的是一家“感官公司”…The Spice That Throws A Party in Your Mouth, with Yao ZhaoWe never get tired of foods that give us a funny feeling. Like mustard that sends a shockwave through our skull. Like carbonated drinks with a playful fizz in every sip. It’s not necessarily the flavor that sets us on fire; it’s the sensation that does the magic. For those in the food industry, creating a sparkling sensory experience would be key to crafting a killer product. This is precisely what inspired Yao to start 50Hertz, a brand featuring the unique taste of Sichuan Pepper. Don’t mistake it for the fiery red chili pepper you typically see in a Sichuan dish; it’s the small round berry that hides in the plate. In this episode, Lulu talks with Yao Zhao, the founder of 50Hertz Tingly Foods. They explore what makes Sichuan pepper special, how well it has been received in the US market, and how it can make mealtime more exciting.You’ll hear about:* What was the founder’s ‘aha moment’?* What’s the science behind Sichuan pepper's buzz?* How did Yao get his early customers?* How did Yao get customers to repurchase?* What goes with Sichuan Pepper oil?Music Credits:Daystar - Baby Whale's DreamPucca - Episode 18麻辣一下?https://50hertzfoods.com/小宇宙/喜马拉雅/网易云音乐 @斜杠青年研究所/@心心念的Apple Podcasts/Spotify @Dedicated (搜索“dedicated lulu”更容易找到呦)






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