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2024-01-14 12:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英文1200多字,语速放慢,大概可以达到14分钟以上。 整体框架,可以选择自己觉得合适的语句进行表达。 中间内容,从自己论文中摘出一些重要的语句即可。


Hello, everyone. My name is xxx. I’m from xxx university. The topic of my presentation is xxx

或者 Mr.Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon! I am very glad to have this opportunity to attend the conference. The topic I am asked to speak on is xxx


My presentation will include these four parts: First, the background of our research; Second, the model we have proposed in the paper; Third, experiments and results on two datasets; And the last, some conclusions we have got.

或者 I’d like to divide my presentation into four parts: Motivation, Approach, Experiments and Conclusion.


Firstly, I would like to introduce the background of our research

Secondly, I would like to introduce the model in our paper.

Okay, now, we move to the part of experiment.

Now, we come to the last part —conclusion

或者 In the first part, I’d like to talk about the motivation of this paper. Now we come to the second part.


That’s all for my presentation. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me. Here is my email address. That’s all. Thank you.






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