Resize Your image to 500 kb 您所在的位置:网站首页 d48f6c936f0b4b72834bffaf9fae87dd/images/5bec7a9db6704f9a9ca0f95ca8400d08.jpg Resize Your image to 500 kb

Resize Your image to 500 kb

2022-11-13 00:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Change Resolution By Width | By Height | Custom | Don't Change Width in px: Height will be scaled automatically. Height in px: Width will be scaled automatically. Resolutions won't be changed.Output Filetype Output format: Image Filesize

We do use the recommended methods from Google Pagespeed Insights to get the best reduction in filesize. So your image will be smaller in most cases anyway. Compressing PNG's will not reduce the quality of the image.

Maximum Filesize in kb: Image Filesize

We do use the recommended methods from Google Pagespeed Insights to get the best reduction in filesize. So your image will be smaller in most cases anyway.

To compress further, use either the Quality in Percentage or set a target filesize:

Quality in % (85 is recommended): Target filesize in kb:






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