d3dcompiler 您所在的位置:网站首页 d3dcompiler_43dll是什么 d3dcompiler


2023-04-24 04:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于 d3dcompiler_43.dll 的其他信息:

d3dcompiler_43.dll related errors are common while trying to run applications that require “Microsoft DirectX”. Errors are common while trying to run games because games, but also for other programs that require “Microsoft DirectX”.

d3dcompiler_43.dll is commonly found in the same folder as the program using it, but can also be located in Windows system directories.

example: C:\Program Files (x86)\"program name"\d3dcompiler_43.dll

Some programs using this file;

FARCRY 4 Browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome the Evil Within Elder Scrolls Online, ESO Assassins Creed IV

If it for some reason isn't enough to just replace the file, you might need to reinstall DirectX. Find it at Microsoft page How to install the latest version of DirectX






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