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2023-08-26 01:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

中文介绍:Oleksandr“s1mple”Kostyliev出生于1997年10月2日,目前是Natus Vincere的狙击手。许多人都认为他是CS:GO史上最好的玩家,他所取得的许多成就和奖杯都支持了这一说法。他的球队赢得了一个大满贯,一个英特尔大满贯,和许多顶级赛事,而他的个人荣誉包括20多个HLTV MVP奖牌,并在HLTV的“年度最佳选手”名单中排名第一。他是2019年和2020年的亚军。 s1mple曾为许多队伍效力,包括Liquid, FlipSid3和HellRaisers,但他在2016年8月加入Natus Vincere,赢得了大多数比赛。

英文介绍:Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev was born on October 2, 1997 and is currently playing for Natus Vincere as an AWPer. s1mple is considered by many to be the best CS:GO player of all time, a claim that is supported by his many achievements and trophies. His teams have won a Major, an Intel Grand Slam, and many top tier tournaments, while his personal accolades include over 20 HLTV MVP medals, and the number one position in HLTV’s ‘best player of the year’ lists. He was the runner-up in 2019 and 2020. s1mple has played for many teams, including Liquid, FlipSid3, and HellRaisers, but has won most tournaments with Natus Vincere, where he joined in August of 2016.






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