词根学习3:cept;fin;ject;tract;duc/duct 您所在的位置:网站首页 cept翻译 词根学习3:cept;fin;ject;tract;duc/duct


2023-03-10 00:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




CEPT comes from the Latin verb meaning “take, seize.” Capture, which is what a captor has done to a captive, has the same meaning. Captivate once meant literally “capture,” but now means only to capture mentally through charm or appeal. But in some other English words this root produces, such as those below, its meaning is harder to find.


reception   [rɪˈsepʃn]


(1) The act of receiving. (2) A social gathering where guests are formally welcomed.


Although the reception of her plan by the board of directors was enthusiastic, it was months before anything was done about it.


Reception is the noun form of receive. So at a formal reception, guests are received or welcomed or “taken in.” A bad TV reception means the signal isn’t being received well. When a new novel receives good reviews, we say it has met with a good critical reception. If it gets a poor reception, on the other hand, that’s the same as saying that it wasn’t well-received.

reception是receive的名词形式。因此,在正式的招待会(reception)上,客人会受到接待或欢迎,或者“被接纳”。电视的reception不好意味着信号接收不好。当一部新小说获得好评时,我们说它meet with a good critical reception。而如果它的反响很差,那就等于说它isn’t well-received。

intercept   [ˌɪntərˈsept]



To stop, seize, or interrupt (something or someone) before arrival.


The explosives had been intercepted by police just before being loaded onto the jet.


Since the prefix inter means “between,” it's not hard to see how intercept was created. Arms shipments coming to a country are sometimes intercepted, but such interceptions can sometimes be understood as acts of war. In football, soccer, and basketball, players try to intercept the ball as it’s being passed by the other team. In years gone by, letters and documents being carried between officers or officials were sometimes intercepted when the carrier was caught; today, when these communications are generally electronic, an intercepted e-mail isn’t actually stopped, but simply read secretly by a third party.


perceptible   [pərˈseptəbl]


Noticeable or able to be felt by the senses.


Her change in attitude toward him was barely perceptible, and he couldn’t be sure he wasn’t just imagining it.


Perceptible includes the prefix per-, meaning “through,” so the word refers to whatever can be taken in through the senses. A perceptive person picks up minor changes, small clues, or hints and shades of meaning that others can’t perceive, so one person’s perception-a tiny sound, a slight change in the weather, a different tone of voice-often won’t be perceptible to another.


susceptible   [səˈseptəbl]


(1) Open to some influence; responsive. (2) Able to be submitted to an action or process.


She impressed everyone immediately with her intelligence, so they’re now highly susceptible to her influence and usually go along with anything she proposes.


With its prefix sus-, “up,” susceptible refers to something or someone that “takes up” or absorbs like a sponge. A sickly child may be susceptible to colds, and an unlucky adult may be susceptible to back problems. A lonely elderly person may be susceptible to what a con man tells him or her on the phone. And students are usually susceptible to the teaching of an imaginative professor-that is, likely to enjoy and learn from it.



FIN comes from the Latin word for “end” or “boundary.” Final describes last things, and a finale or a finish is an ending. (And at the end of a French film, you may just see the word “Fin.”) But its meaning is harder to trace in some of the other English words derived from it.


confine   [kənˈfaɪn]



(1) To keep (someone or something) within limits. (2) To hold (someone) in a location.


He had heard the bad news from the CEO, but when he spoke to his employees he confined his remarks to a few hints that sales had slipped.


Confine means basically to keep someone or something within borders. A person under “house arrest” is confined to his or her house by the government. The discussion at a meeting may be confined to a single topic. A town may keep industrial development confined to one area by means of zoning. And when potholes are being repaired, traffic on a two-way road may be confined to a single lane.


definitive   [dɪˈfɪnətɪv]

adj.决定性的, 最后的;最可靠的,权威性的;限定的, 限制的;〈生〉发育完全的, 定形的;


(1) Authoritative and final. (2) Specifying perfectly or precisely.


The team’s brilliant research provided a definitive description of the virus and its strange mutation patterns. Something definitive is complete and final. A definitive example is the perfect example. A definitive answer is usually a strong yes or no. A definitive biography contains everything we’ll ever need to know about someone. 


finite   [ˈfaɪnaɪt]



Having definite limits.


Her ambitions were infinite, but her wealth was finite.


infinitesimal   [ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪml]



Extremely or immeasurably small.


Looking more closely at the research data, he now saw an odd pattern of changes so infinitesimal that they hadn’t been noticed before.


Just as infinite describes something immeasurable (“without limit”), infinitesimal describes something endlessly small.



JECT comes from jacere, the Latin verb meaning “throw” or “hurl.” To reject something is to throw (or push) it back; to eject something is to throw (or drive) it out; and to inject something is to throw (or squirt) it into something else.


interject   [ˌɪntərˈdʒekt]


To interrupt a conversation with a comment or remark.


His anger was growing as he listened to the conversation, and every so often he would interject a crude comment.


According to its Latin roots, interject ought to mean literally “throw between.” For most of the word’s history, however, the only things that have been interjected have been comments dropped suddenly into a conversation. Interjections are often humorous, and sometimes even insulting, and the best interjections are so quick that the conversation isn’t even interrupted.

根据其拉丁语词根,interject的字面意思应该是“扔进两者之间”。然而,在这个词的大部分历史中,唯一被插入的东西是在对话中突然插入的评论。 “interjection”(感叹词)通常是幽默的,有时甚至是侮辱性的,最好的感叹词应用语速很快,不致中断对话。

conjecture   [kənˈdʒektʃər]



To guess.


He was last heard of in Bogotá, and they conjectured that he had met his end in the Andes at the hands of the guerrillas.


Formed with the prefix con-, “together,” conjecture means literally “to throw together”-that is, to produce a theory by putting together a number of facts. So, for example, Columbus conjectured from his calculations that he would reach Asia if he sailed westward, and his later conjecture that there was a “Northwest Passage” by sea from the Atlantic to the Pacific over the North American continent was proved correct centuries later.

由前缀con-(意即“together”) 构成的“conjecture”字面意思是“扔在一起”,即通过将一些事实组合在一起来产生一个理论。因此,例如,哥伦布从他的计算中推测,如果他向西航行,他将到达亚洲,而他后来的推测是,从大西洋到太平洋,在北美大陆上空有一条“西北航道”,这在几个世纪后被证明是正确的。

projection   [prəˈdʒekʃn]


An estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now.


The president has been hearing different deficit projections all week from the members of his economic team.


Projection has various meanings, but what they all have in common is that something is sent out or forward. A movie is projected onto a screen; a skilled actress projects her voice out into a large theater without seeming to shout; and something sticking out from a wall can be called a projection. But the meaning we focus on here is the one used by businesses and governments. Most projections of this kind are estimates of a company’s sales or profits-or of the finances of a town, state, or country-sometime in the future.


trajectory   [trəˈdʒektəri]


The curved path that an object makes in space, or that a thrown object follows as it rises and falls to earth.


Considering the likely range, trajectory, and accuracy of a bullet fired from a cheap handgun at 100 yards, the murder seemed incredible.


Formed with part of the prefix trans-, “across,” trajectory means a “hurling across.” By calculating the effect of gravity and other forces, the trajectory of an object launched into space at a known speed can be computed precisely. Missiles stand a chance of hitting their target only if their trajectory has been plotted accurately. The word is used most often in physics and engineering, but not always; We can also say, for example, that the trajectory of a whole life may be set in a person’s youth, or that a new book traces the long trajectory of the French empire.



TRACT comes from trahere, the Latin verb meaning "drag or draw." Something attractive draws us toward it. Something distracting pulls your attention away. And when you extract something from behind the sofa, you drag it out.


traction   [ˈtrækʃn]


The friction that allows a moving thing to move over a surface without slipping.


The spinning wheels were getting no traction on the ice, and we began to slip backward down the hill.


A tractor is something that pulls something else. We usually use the word for a piece of farm machinery, but it’s also the name of the part of a big truck that includes the engine and the cab. Tractors get terrific traction, because of their powerful engines and the deep ridges on their huge wheels. A cross-country skier needs traction to kick herself forward, but doesn’t want it to slow her down when she’s gliding, so the bottom of the skis may have a “fish-scale” surface that permits both of these at the same time.


retract   [rɪˈtrækt]


(1) To pull back (something) into something larger. (2) To take back (something said or written).


She was forced to retract her comment about her opponent after it was condemned in the press.


The prefix re- (“back”) gives retract the meaning of “draw back.” Just as a cat retracts its claws into its paws when they aren’t being used, a public figure may issue a retraction in order to say that he or she no longer wants to say something that has just been said.


protracted   [prəˈtræktɪd]


Drawn out, continued, or extended.


No one was looking forward to a protracted struggle for custody of the baby.


With its prefix pro-, “forward,” protracted usually applies to something drawn out forward in time. A protracted strike may cripple a company; a protracted rainy spell may rot the roots of vegetables; and a protracted lawsuit occasionally outlives the parties involved. Before the invention of the polio vaccines, polio’s many victims had no choice but to suffer a protracted illness and its aftereffects.


intractable   [ɪnˈtræktəbl]


Not easily handled, led, taught, or controlled.


Corruption was the country’s intractable problem, and for many years all foreign aid had ended up in the colonels’ pockets.


Intractable simply means “untreatable,” and even comes from the same root. The word may describe both people and conditions. A cancer patient may suffer intractable pain that doctors are unable to treat. An intractable alcoholic goes back to the bottle immediately after “drying out.”



DUC/DUCT, from the Latin verb ducere, “to lead,” shows up regularly in English. Duke means basically “leader.” The Italian dictator Mussolini was known simply as Il Duce, “the leader.” But such words as produce and reduce also contain the root, even though their meanings show it less clearly.

DUC/DUCT,来自拉丁语动词ducere,意为领导,在英语中经常出现。“Duke”的意思基本上是“领袖”。意大利独裁者墨索里尼被简单地称为“Il Duce”,即领袖。但produce和reduce等词尽管也包含其词根,但其含义难以辨明。

conducive   [kənˈduːsɪv]


Tending to promote, encourage, or assist; helpful.


She found the atmosphere in the quiet café conducive to study and even to creative thinking.


Something conducive “leads to” a desirable result. A cozy living room may be conducive to relaxed conversation, just as a boardroom may be conducive to more intense discussions. Particular tax policies are often conducive to savings and investment, whereas others are conducive to consumer spending. Notice that conducive is almost always followed by to.


deduction   [dɪˈdʌkʃn]


(1) Subtraction. (2) The reaching of a conclusion by reasoning.


Foretelling the future by deduction based on a political or economic theory has proved to be extremely difficult.


Deduction also means “reasoning,” and particularly reasoning based on general principles to produce specific findings. Mathematical reasoning is almost always deduction, for instance, since it is based on general rules. But when Dr. Watson exclaims “Brilliant deduction, my dear Holmes!” he simply means “brilliant reasoning,” since Sherlock Holmes’s solutions are based on specific details he has noticed rather than on general principles.


induce   [ɪnˈduːs]


(1) Persuade, influence. (2) Bring about.


To induce him to make the call we had to promise we wouldn't do it again.


Inducing is usually gentle persuasion; you may, for instance, induce a friend to go to a concert, or induce a child to stop crying. An inducement is something that might lure you to do something, though inducements are occasionally a bit menacing, like the Godfather’s offer that you can’t refuse. Induce also sometimes means “produce”. thus, doctors must at times induce labor in a pregnant woman. Notice that induct and induction are somewhat different from induce and inducement, though they come from the identical roots.


seduction   [sɪˈdʌkʃn]


(1) Temptation to sin, especially temptation to sexual intercourse. (2) Attraction or charm.


The company began its campaign of seduction of the smaller firm by inviting its top management to a series of weekends at expensive resorts.


Seduction, with its prefix se-, “aside,” means basically “lead aside or astray.” Seduction takes less physical forms. Advertisements constantly try to seduce us (often using sex as a temptation) into buying products we hadn’t even known existed.







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