2023年CATTI三级口译英译汉集训题目 (14) 您所在的位置:网站首页 catti英语口译三级真题 2023年CATTI三级口译英译汉集训题目 (14)

2023年CATTI三级口译英译汉集训题目 (14)

2023-04-22 01:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

2023年CATTI三级口译英译汉集训题目 (14) 2023-04-20 08:03:00来源:网络

  CATTI考试,作为重要的翻译考试,也是比较有社会价值的英语能力证书。对于大家参加CATTI考试的同学,大家在实际的备考中,应该如何更好的来复习备考?为了让大家能够更全面的准备CATTI考试,新东方在线小编为大家整理了“2023年CATTI三级口译英译汉集训题目 (14)”,让我们一起来学习备考吧!

  Psychology students at Bath Spa University are being given the rare

  opportunity to re-sit an exam following a major disruption during their original

  sitting. Several students were reduced to tears in an advanced cognitive and

  biological psychology exam on Wednesday, May 30 after the topic they were told

  to revise didn't come up in the paper. Split in to two halves, the first half of

  the exam had four potential topics but only three questions.

  巴斯泉大学心理学专业的学生遇到了一个难得的机会--考试大受打击后能再考一次。5月30号(周三)的一门《高级认知和生物心理学》考试中,一些学生当场流泪,因为老师给他们划的必 考重点居然没有出现在考题中。考试分成两个部分,上半场有四个潜在主题,但只有三个问题。

  Meaning one of the topics would not appear.


  A student, who wished to remain anonymous, contacted Somerset Live about

  the exam and explained that they had been told to revise "at least two topics as

  a safety buffer". However, he added that a member of university staff made

  matters more complicated. He said: "Apparently a member of staff gave out a hint

  in a seminar that the sleep topic was definitely going to come up.



  "I did not hear this directly but the people that did only revised sleep,

  despite lecturers definitely saying to revise two topics." He added: "Before the

  exam started there was lots of commotion as people made jokes about leaving the

  exam if the sleep topic wasn't there."


  "But these jokes soon turned to tears for a lot of people when the paper

  was turned over and sleep was not on it." These tears resulted in a

  'disturbance' during the exam, with many people choosing to get up and walk



  Because of this the university has offered students the chance to re-take

  the paper. The offer was made in an email sent round by Executive Dean, Andy

  Salmon. In the email, he said: "As you are aware we have investigated a number

  of complaints about the Advanced Cognitive & Biological Psychology."


  "Following this investigation we decided that we would provide students who

  feel their exam was disrupted, with an extraordinary opt-in opportunity to resit

  this exam. While the University is not obliged to provide this, we believe it is

  the equitable thing to do." However not all students were happy with the



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