英语中表示“围绕和脱离”的介词 您所在的位置:网站首页 about副词用法 英语中表示“围绕和脱离”的介词


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The whole family was sitting around the dinner table. 全家人围坐在饭桌旁

The Romans built a defensive wall around the city. 罗马人在城市周围筑起一道防御墙

She wore a beautiful silk shawl around her shoulders. 她在肩上围了一条漂亮的真丝披肩

People crowded around to see what was happening. 人们挤在四周围观

We would hear the birds singing all around us. 我们会听见四周鸟儿在唱歌

A helicopter was circling around, looking for somewhere to land. 直升机盘旋着寻找降落地点

They danced around the bonfire. 他们围着篝火跳舞



He wandered around the streets, looking in shop windows. 他在街上闲逛,看看商店橱窗

There are over 40 radio stations dotted around the country. 40多家广播电台分布在全国各地

When I finished college, I travelled around for a while. 大学毕业以后,我到处旅游了一段时间

Since it’s your first day here, would you like me to show you around? 你第一天到这,要我带你四处转转吗

We started looking around for somewhere to live. 我们开始到处找住的地方

She looked at the papers around her. 她看着周围的论文


My new place is just around the corner. 我的新家就在附近

Is there a bank around here? 这附近有银行吗?

When you’ve been around a person long enough, you start to know how they’ll react. 和一个人相处久了就会了解他的处事态度。

the new housing areas in and around Dublin 都柏林及其周围的新住宅区

Catherine was the most beautiful girl for miles around. 凯瑟琳是方圆几英里最漂亮的女孩子


My salary was around 900 dollars. 我的工资大约 900 美元

There must have been around 40,000 people in the stadium. 体育场里肯定有4万人左右

The whole project will probably cost around $3 million. 整个工程可能约耗资300万美元。

Most guests started to make their way home around about ten o'clock. 大多数客人10点钟左右开始回家了


all around 周围;到处,四处 | Look at the companies all around you. 看看这些你周围的公司

around here 附近;在这周围 | Could you recommend some good restaurants around here? 你能介绍几家附近的好餐馆吗?

round about 大约 (迂回的,拐弯抹角的) | It'll cost you round about £1000. 那要花掉你大约1000英镑


about 的本义是围绕某中心点无规则的转

其中最常见的短语是 go about


He went about this city yesterday. 他昨天在这个城市附近转悠


The earth goes about the sun. 地球围绕太阳旋转


A nasty cold has been going about my hometown. 讨厌的感冒在我的家乡传播开来




There is a moat about the castle. 城堡周围有一条护城河

He settled down about this town. 他在小镇附近定居下来

注意:在这个引申义下,about 常与 around/round 互换

I'v been walking about/around/round the parking lot. 我一直在停车场附近走动

about 与 around/round 区别在于:around/round 表示转动轨迹呈圆形;而about 对转动轨迹要求不严格

round the clock 日夜不停地


由“贴近...转”引申为“大约”,about 在空间上表示“在周边围绕”,给人一种“接近、大约、差不多”的感觉

About three hundred students participated in the speech contest. 大约三百名学生参加了演讲比赛

The monster is about the size of a tiger. 这只野兽的体型与老虎差不多大



表示“关于”,about 常见搭配有两种:(1) 名词 + about + 名词;(2) 动词 + about + 名词


This is a book about slavery. 这是一本与奴隶制相关的书


He is thinking about the question. 他正在思考这个问题

She knew a lot about food. 她很懂得食物

注意:on 也有“关于”的引申义

on 表示物体与平面完全接触,引申为某事物完全接触到某一话题,也就是“完全关于”,既“直接的、完全的相关”,或者叫“聚焦”

a book on slavery. 一本聚焦展现奴隶制的书

about 表示围绕某个中心转圈,而且不会接触到中心,引申出与某个话题相关,是一定程度上的相关,或者叫“涉及到”

a book about slavery. 一本涉及到奴隶制的书


箭头围绕中心转,不断接近中心,给人一种“某事正要发生”的感觉,用法搭配为 be about to

be about to 即将做某事

The chorus is about to sing. 合唱团要开始演出了

They are about to walk. 他们要走了



Everywhere people were going about their daily business. 无论哪里人们都忙于日常工作


be about to 即将做某事 | They are about to walk. 他们要走了

complain about 抱怨 | You have nothing to complain about, do you? 你没有什么不满吧,是吗?

see about 考虑;注意 | Now I can't answer you, but I'll see about it. 现在我不能给你答复,但我会考虑

be cautious about 对…谨慎 | He is cautious about spending money. 他用钱谨慎

be concerned about 为…担心,关心 | We are concerned about his health. 我们担心他的健康


of 的空间含义“脱离”在现代英语中很少出现,现代英语中的“脱离”更多地用 off 来表示;of 在英语演变过程中受到法语 de 的影响,已经脱离了它原本的空间含义,而更多地用来表示事物的同化性;of 还逐渐发展出了“所有格”这一抽象用法,和空间含义毫无关系


A lion came out of the cage. 一只狮子从笼子里走了出来

My shot went wide of the net just as time expired. 就在时间结束的时候,我射偏网了

This T-shirt will cost you upwards of $25. 这件T恤至少花费你 25 美元

Beijing is actually located west, not east, of Tianjin. 实际上,北京坐落在天津西边而不是东边


of 表示“脱离”的抽象用法,即“某个举动、态度或情绪脱离于或来源于某人或某事物”

Rob sb of sth. 从某人身上夺走某物 | Deprive sb of sth. 剥夺某人所拥有的某物

Take care of her 照顾她

He chose his career of his own free will. 他自愿选择了他的职业

It is stupid of you to delay your preparation for the final examination. 你怎么这么蠢,居然延迟了期末复习

She died of lung cancer. 她死于肝癌

I'm tired of my current state. 我厌倦了自己现在的状态

Do you really think that I would take advantage of her? 你真的以为我会占她便宜吗

She took leave of him with tears. 她含泪向他告别

What do you make of her letter? 你对她的信有何看法


强调事物间的同化性。笼统地把“名词 + of + 名词”概括为名词所有格是不准确的,前者的本质其实是“同化性”,而名词所有格只是这种本质之下的一种特殊情况,表示“拥有关系”

of 的“同化性”这一用法来源于法语的 de,而非 of 的空间含义,它的功能是对前面的名词进行解释说明

of 前后的名词表现出强烈的“同化性”,其英文是 A tendency of integration. 通俗地讲,就是 of 前后的名词相互融合,相互补充,最终趋向统一的完整含义,这就是为什么 of 的功能是“解释说明”


think of my son 突然想起我的孩子 | think about the son 我想到了与儿子有关的事情

Speak of my son, he said he would come back in two weeks. 说起我儿子,他说他两周之内就回来

of 的实质是接下来的内容被某人或某物同化,功能是解释说明下面要提到的内容,可以翻译为“提到或说起...”

I could overhear the officers talking of someone who sounded awfully similar to my friend Michael. 我无意中听到警察在谈论一个听起来和我的朋友迈克尔非常相似的人

Why haven't heard of this? 我怎么没听说过


the back of the house 房子的后部

the last scene of the movie 电影的最后一个场景

the end of the day 一天的末了


a friend of Mark’s 马克的一个朋友

Avocado salad is a favorite of mine. 鳄梨色拉是我的最爱之一

Product inspection is the responsibility of the employees themselves. 检验产品是员工自己的责任


some of the students 某些学生

‘Sunflowers’ is one of his best-known paintings. 《向日葵》是他最著名的画作之一

Two of the guests are vegetarian. 其中有两位客人是素食者

a member of the baseball team 棒球队的一名队员


two kilos of sugar 两公斤糖

millions of dollars 数百万美元

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力


a herd of elephants 一群大象

his circle of friends 他的朋友圈子

a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉


a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

several packets of cigarettes 几包香烟

truckloads of refugees 一车车的难民


the cost of the meal 这顿饭的花费

the beauty of the scenery 景色之美

the length of the swimming pool 游泳池的长度

The existence of extraterrestrials 外星人的存在

The spread of the epidemic 瘟疫的传播


A day of mourning 全天哀悼 | A day for mourning 哀悼日

A photo of Beijing 一张北京的照片 | a photo from Beijing 一张来自北京的照片

An act of fool 愚蠢的行为


take advantage of 趁…之机,利用 | Take advantage of all educational opportunities. 利用所有受教育机会

at the instance of 应…之请,经…的提议 | The man came here at the instance of Dr. Jekyll. 这个人是应吉基尔博士的邀请来这儿的。

in charge of 主管,掌管,照管 | The officer is in charge of the investigation. 这个官员主管这项调查

accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事) | They accused him of taking bribes. 他们控告他受贿。

allow of 容许(有…),容得 | The situations allow of no excuse. 形势刻不容缓

drain sb. of sth. 耗尽/用完某人的某物 | I felt depressed and completely drained of energy. 我感觉很沮丧,完全失去了活力

be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到 | She was aware of a tall dark figure watching her. 她感觉到有一个高大的黑影在注视她

ahead of 在…前面,先于;胜过 | I arrived ahead of the others. 我比别人提前到达。

upwards of …以上;多于… | He has saved upwards of £100 . 他已经存了100多英镑。

of course 自然,当然,无疑 | Can you give me a lift? “Of course, no problem”. 你能用车带我一段吗?当然没问题

a bill of fare 菜单;节目单 | The waiter gave me a bill of fare. 服务生给我递过了一个菜单



The school days are still months away. 距离开学日还有几个月

The beach is only five minutes away. 海滩离这里只有5分钟的路

Christmas is only a month away. 离圣诞节只有一个月了


Stay away from drugs and cherish your life. 远离毒品,珍爱生命

Geneva is about 20 miles away. 日内瓦离这儿大约20英里远

There’s another hotel not far away. 不远的地方还有一家酒店



go away! 走开(走到远处去)

You need to step away from him! 请你退后(退到远处去)

Get away from me! 离我远点

Stay away from the fire. 不要靠近火

put your toys away 收拾好你的玩具(玩具远离了之前所在的位置)

You have to put away your stage fright. 把怯场情绪收拾好

Put away your worries. 别担心


如果远到看不见,既可视为“不在场”,这是 away 空间含义的一种极限情况

He is away. 他不在

There are twenty students away today. 今天有二十名学生不在

They are away to participate in a simulate examination. 他们离开是因为要参加模拟考试

File away any excess metal until snug fit is achieved. 磨掉多余金属,直到趁手舒适为止


The man's image fades away from the left to the right. 这个男人的画像从左到右渐渐黯淡

Support for the Democrats has dropped away. 民主党的支持率有所下降

The music faded away. 音乐渐渐停了下来

The music died away. 音乐声消失了

The water boiled away. 水蒸干了

Most flowers fade away in late springs. 大多数花朵会在晚春凋零

Ruben gave all his money away to charity. 鲁宾把所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构

Cut away all the dead wood. 把所有的枯木都砍掉


They have chatted away for three hours. 他们已经畅聊三个小时了

They danced away the whole night. 他们整晚都沉浸于舞蹈中

Sue was singing away to herself in the bath. 休一边洗澡一边唱着歌

They’ve been hammering away all day. 他们用锤子敲敲打打了一整天






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