How To Grill Flank Steak That's Tender Rather Than Tough 您所在的位置:网站首页 70斤是多少两 How To Grill Flank Steak That's Tender Rather Than Tough

How To Grill Flank Steak That's Tender Rather Than Tough

2023-11-04 12:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The most important thing to do before you grill flank steak is to marinate it. Acidic marinades work well for a tougher piece of meat like flank steak, though you're always free to experiment. There are two main things to remember when marinating your flank steak: the lack of marbling and the high muscle fiber content.

The lack of marbling is what makes flank steak a lean piece of meat. Lack of marbling means lack of fat. You may be thinking that's a good thing, and maybe it is, but it also makes flank steak tougher to eat and trickier to get right on the grill. By including fat in the form of oil in the marinade, we are giving the meat a better chance of coming out tender. The acid will help soften up all the muscle fibers flank steak is known for. We don't want to go crazy and make steak caviar or anything, but vinegar or lime juice can help start to break those tougher bits down.

You'll want to marinate your steak for around four hours. Definitely don't marinate it for more than 24 hours or the steak can become mushy. Cover the steak in the marinade and stick it in the fridge. Pull the steak out half an hour before you cook it to bring it to room temperature, and pat it dry with a paper towel to ensure a solid sear. 






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