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#怎样缓解压力英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”怎样缓解压力“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to reli presse。以下是关于怎样缓解压力四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to reli presse

How to reduce stress is an inevitable part of o daily life. Many things, such as natal disasters, war and death, will bng too much presse to o lives. But according to a psychologist, on the basis of today's situation, stress may come fm some all things: taking exams, waiting in line, having too many things to do in limited time Stress is needed to increase the taste, challenges and opportunities of life.

Howr, excessive stress will seously affect o physical and mental health, reduce body immunity and damage the brain. If the presse lasts too long, it may lead to physical diseases, insomnia, headache, backache, ulcer, hypertension and n heart disease. When stress occs, it is very important to recoize and deal with it.

We can try some methods. A lot of sports can reduce stress. It is very ful to support o stress with others.

ng time for entertainment, such as listening to music, may be a good medicine. Sometimes n crying is an effective way to reli stress.




Eda5e6ba in view of the great harm of overdue presse, college students should first learn how to reduce presse and have a correct evaluation of themselves. Secondly, they should dlop their strens and avoid their weaknesses. The ppose is to give us motivation and let us become active.

Participating in collective activities is an effective way to reli the presse. If you find that the presse is almost beyond yo contl, you should treat me I'd better tn to pfessional psychological counseling. My presse mainly comes fm my fute employment.

In order to reduce my anxiety, I ask my parents to me yze my advantages and disadvantages and generate my confidence in my fute. I beli I can find an ideal job after graduation.




How to reli the presse of college students? Nowadays, college students are facing a lot of presse, mainly fm parents' expectations, learning, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. Although presse can pvide motivation to a certain extent, overdue presse has seous negative effects. Presse will seously damage students' self-confidence and may make some students lose contl of their emotions and behaviors.

Consideng the great harm of overdue presse, college students should first learn how to reduce presse. We should have a correct evaluation of oselves, so we should dlop o strens and avoid o weaknesses. Second, we should have a clear goal, which can give us motivation and make us become active.

Thirdly, participating in collective activities is an effective way to reli the presse It's beyond yo contl. For me, you'd better tn to pfessional psychological counseling. My presse mainly comes fm fute employment.

In order to reduce anxiety, I ask my parents to me yze my advantages and disadvantages and put forward practical work goals. In this way, my employment presse has been greatly reduced. Now I have confidence in my own fute, and I beli it I can find an ideal job after graduation.



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