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2024-06-02 21:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Wheat is the world's largest grain crop, and is an important food source for human life. About 35%-40% of the world population depends on wheat for their living. At present, the world's wheat planting area is about 220 107 600 hectares (2016), which accounts for about 30.7% of the global grain planting area, far exceeding that of corn, rice and soybeans, ranking the first in the world's grain cultivation area. This paper discussed the general situation of wheat production in the world, including the types of wheat, its global distribution, major production regions, yield and account in total cereal crops. The production and development of Chinese wheat are mainly discussed. China's wheat production capacity is gradually developed. It was mainly reflected by three aspects, the large fluctuation of the planting area, steady increase in the output of the unit area, and the continuous growth of the total production. Regardless of winter wheat or spring wheat, high-yielding, efficient cultivation techniques and excellent varieties have played important roles in improving yield, and the overall production level has been greatly developed.

Keywords: Wheat ; Production ; Grain crops ; Planting area ; Yield






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