The Undertaker Had Heated Words With Vince McMahon The Day He Announced His Retirement 您所在的位置:网站首页 毛哥老鸭汤的做法 The Undertaker Had Heated Words With Vince McMahon The Day He Announced His Retirement

The Undertaker Had Heated Words With Vince McMahon The Day He Announced His Retirement

#The Undertaker Had Heated Words With Vince McMahon The Day He Announced His Retirement| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Undertaker and Vince McMahon had a very long relationship, and they were close. That friendship lasted for decades, but that doesn’t mean they always saw eye-to-eye.

Vince McMahon is back in WWE, and the Chairman of the board once again, but he did retire for a few months. It turns out that his retirement didn’t set too well with The Deadman.

While speaking to Ariel Helwani for BT Sport, The Undertaker revealed that he was in an argument with Vince McMahon recently. Things got heated the day Mr. McMahon announced his retirement.

“He called me the day before he announced it and we got in an argument because I thought he was ribbing me. I said, ‘There’s no way. There is absolutely no way you’re stepping away.’ He was like, ‘No, This is what I’m going to do.’ I’m like, ‘Why are you (bleeped out) with me? This is me.’ We ended up going at it a little bit.”

“Finally, I was like, ‘Alright. Okay.’ Sure enough, the next day, Vince resigned, but I knew there’s no way he’d stay away. Even in this role, I think it’s going to be challenging for him. I mean, that’s his baby, man.

He’s the one that created this whole thing. I know he wants to make sure these TV deals and everything are done the right way. Right now, that’s his sole motivation, but that’s Vince McMahon. I don’t know. We’ll see where it goes, but a WWE without Vince is, for me, hard to imagine.”

Vince McMahon returned to WWE and ushered the company into a time when they are now up for sale. A new owner could be running the show by the middle of 2023, so we have to wonder what The Undertaker thinks of that.

Vince McMahon was backstage at WWE RAW this week, but he wasn’t involved in creative. It’s still his company, and he showed up to see John Cena. Only time will tell how often he pops up from this point on.

What did you think about Vince McMahon’s retirement? Sound off in the comments!






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