VerilogA 数字序列波形发生器 您所在的位置:网站首页 时钟发生器clock VerilogA 数字序列波形发生器

VerilogA 数字序列波形发生器

2024-04-11 17:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







1.将以下三个文件保存到同一文件夹,并安装python 3.6.

2.编辑,在 signal_args 数组中输入序列名字,序列宽度,序列长度,和序列数据,可以同时修改模块名(module_name)

3.在当前目录下运行python 得到generate.va文件



CLK 代表时钟输入端,该veriloga模块每一个时钟周期输出一个码字,应接一个vpluse源

VDD代表电源输入 ,定义了输出波形的高电平,应接一个vdc源。





// $TEMPLATE_HEAD_NOTES `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module $TEMPLATE_MODULE_NAME(VDD, GND, CLK, $TEMPLATE_PORT_LIST); input VDD, GND, CLK ; electrical VDD, GND, CLK ; $TEMPLATE_INPUT_DECLARATION $TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DECLARATION $TEMPLATE_SIGNAL_DECLARATION $TEMPLATE_COUNT_DECLARATION $TEMPLATE_WAVELIST_DECLARATION integer count = 0; integer clock = 0; integer flag_clk ; genvar i ; // ___ __ // /\_ \ /\ \ // ___\//\ \ ___ ___\ \ \/'\ __ __ ___ // /'___\\ \ \ / __`\ /'___\ \ , < _______ /'_ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ // /\ \__/ \_\ \_/\ \L\ \/\ \__/\ \ \\`\ /\______\/\ \L\ \/\ __//\ \/\ \ // \ \____\/\____\ \____/\ \____\\ \_\ \_\/______/\ \____ \ \____\ \_\ \_\ // \/____/\/____/\/___/ \/____/ \/_/\/_/ \/___L\ \/____/\/_/\/_/ // /\____/ // \_/__/ // Clock-Generator analog begin @(initial_step) begin count = 0 ; clock = 0 ; flag_clk = 0 ; $TEMPLATE_SIGNAL_INITIAL $TEMPLATE_COUNT_INITIAL end @( cross( V(CLK,GND)- V(VDD,GND), +1 ) ) begin clock = 1 ; count = count + 1 ; if(count >= 100 ) count = 0 ; end @( cross( clock - 1 , +1) ) begin if(clock != 0) clock = 0 ; flag_clk = 1 ; end end // __ __ ____ // /\ \ __/\ \ /\ _`\ // \ \ \/\ \ \ \ __ __ __ __ ____ \ \ \L\_\ __ ___ // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /'__`\ /\ \/\ \ /'__`\ /',__\ _______\ \ \L_L /'__`\/' _ `\ // \ \ \_/ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_/ |/\ __//\__, `\/\______\\ \ \/, \/\ __//\ \/\ \ // \ `\___x___/\ \__/.\_\\ \___/ \ \____\/\____/\/______/ \ \____/\ \____\ \_\ \_\ // '\/__//__/ \/__/\/_/ \/__/ \/____/\/___/ \/___/ \/____/\/_/\/_/ // Waves-Generator analog begin @( cross( flag_clk - 1 , +1) ) begin flag_clk = 0 ; $TEMPLATE_SIGNAL_GENERATE $TEMPLATE_COUNT_GENERATE end end // __ __ // /\ \__ /\ \__ // ___ __ __\ \ ,_\ _____ __ __\ \ ,_\ // / __`\/\ \/\ \\ \ \/ /\ '__`\/\ \/\ \\ \ \/ // /\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \_\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \_ // \ \____/\ \____/ \ \__\\ \ ,__/\ \____/ \ \__\ // \/___/ \/___/ \/__/ \ \ \/ \/___/ \/__/ // \ \_\ // \/_/ // Signal-Output analog begin $TEMPLATE_SIGNAL_OUTPUT end endmodule

import va_gen as va # input template file path template_path ='./' # output file path save_path = './' # the comment in the veriloga file comment = 'This file is generated by the VA_GEN .' # the module name module_name = 'SPI_SLAVE_DATA_V2' # the expected output signals # signal-name | signal-width | waves-length | waves-value #signal_args = [ # ['cmp_res', 1, 32, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] # ] signal_args = [ ['DATA', 1, 8, [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0]] ] rise_t='1n' fall_t='1n' #NOTICE: #THIS GENERATOR WILL NOT REPEATER THE WAVE if __name__ == '__main__': generator = va.VaGenerator(template_path) generator.generate_veriloga(module_name, comment, signal_args, save_path , rise_t, fall_t)

# *************************************************************** # File-Name: # Author: Zhang Shen # Email: [email protected] # Time: 2021/09/29 # Version: V-0.1 # Usage: Automatically generate the veriloga file used to # generating the wave according to your input. # *************************************************************** class Signal: def __init__(self, name = 'signal', width = 1, length = 1, waves = [0] ,rise_t = '1n' ,fall_t = '1n'): = name self.width = width self.length = length self.waves = waves self.rise_t = rise_t self.fall_t = fall_t self.signal_name = 'signal_{}'.format( self.count_name = 'count_{}'.format( self.wave_name = "wave_{}".format( self.width_declaration = self.get_width_declaration() self.length_declaration = self.get_length_declaration() self.input_declaration = '' self.output_declaration = self.get_output_declaration() self.signal_declaration = self.get_signal_declaration() self.count_declaration = self.get_count_declaration() self.wavelist_declaration = self.get_wavelist_declaration() self.signal_initial = self.get_signal_initial() self.count_initial = self.get_count_initial() self.signal_generate = self.get_signal_generate() self.count_generate = self.get_count_generate() self.signal_output = self.get_signal_output() def get_width_declaration(self): arg_1 = '' if self.width > 1: arg_1 = '[{}:0]'.format(self.width - 1) return arg_1 def get_length_declaration(self): template = '[0:{}]' return template.format(self.length-1) def get_output_declaration(self): template = ' output {} {} ;\n electrical {} {} ;\n' arg_1 = self.width_declaration arg_2 = return template.format(arg_1, arg_2, arg_1, arg_2) def get_signal_declaration(self): template = ' integer {} ;' return template.format(self.signal_name) def get_count_declaration(self): template = ' integer {} ;' return template.format(self.count_name) def get_wavelist_declaration(self): template = ' integer {} {} = {} ;' arg_1 = self.wave_name arg_2 = self.length_declaration arg_3 = '' if len(self.waves) > 0 : arg_3 = arg_3 + '{ ' for i in self.waves: arg_3 = arg_3 + ' {},'.format(i) arg_3 = arg_3 + ' }' else: print('ERROR!!! The length of the wave list = 0 !!!') return template.format(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3) def get_signal_initial(self): template = ' {} = 0 ;' return template.format(self.signal_name) def get_count_initial(self): template = ' {} = 0 ;' return template.format(self.count_name) def get_signal_generate(self): template = ' {} = {}[ {} % {} ] ;' arg_1 = self.signal_name arg_2 = self.wave_name arg_3 = self.count_name arg_4 = self.length return template.format(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4) def get_count_generate(self): template = ' if ({} < {}) {} = {} + 1 ;' arg_1 = self.count_name arg_2 = self.length - 1 arg_3 = self.count_name arg_4 = self.count_name return template.format(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4) def get_signal_output(self): template = ''' for(i=0; i






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