《电子商务与在线营销》课程介绍 您所在的位置:网站首页 德国电子商务最好的大学 《电子商务与在线营销》课程介绍


2023-06-06 09:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

授课教师:Jonas Polfuss



教师简介(中英文):Jonas教授现任德国IU国际应用科技大学市场营销学教授,同时是多家公司和组织的资深顾问。拥有超过 60 门关于在线营销和电子商务、数字品牌和品牌管理、欧洲和中国社交媒体、跨文化营销和管理、商务沟通的课程教学经验。科研成果卓著,已在关于(跨文化)交流、社会媒体等领域出版4本专著、发表14篇高水平期刊文章。

Professor Jonas is a professor of Marketing and Brand Management at EBC Hochschule Düsseldorf in Germany, and also a sophisticated consultant for many corporations. His research interests include digital marketing and e-commerce, digital branding and brand management, social media in Europa and China, intercultural marketing and management,etc. He had lots of publications including articles on intercultural communication, digital marketing and one book on trade and e-commerce between Germany and China.His teaching areas are e-commerce and e-business, (digital) brand management and corporate communications,and so on.


This seminar will introduce the e-commerce market and online marketing trends with a focus on market leaders from around the globe. The students will be presented with an overview of dominant business models and success stories from the industry. Also, different types of online consumers will be analyzed and discussed. Finally, the Western e-commerce and social media systems will be compared with Chinese major players such as Alibaba and WeChat.






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