怎么解决:写英语作文很痛苦 既不知道写啥 又不知道咋写的问题 您所在的位置:网站首页 应用宝的英文怎么写 怎么解决:写英语作文很痛苦 既不知道写啥 又不知道咋写的问题

怎么解决:写英语作文很痛苦 既不知道写啥 又不知道咋写的问题

2023-03-14 15:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Dear Mr.Johnson

I write you an e-mail expressing my dissatisfaction over the products quality about your washing-machine, which was bought in your shopping mall two weeks ago. The machine is found leaky after its use at three-day time.

Since your customers service center promises, by my having made phone call to it, that your after-sale service specialist would be at home of mine, this encouraging beginning. That has declined to such an extent that the specialist has not come to my house, until I write you now, to get me out of this difficulty in having the broken machine of mine repaired as soon as quickly.

To have your good reputation enjoyed by a little more than customers, I sincerely consider, you should not put me one of your customers in such an embarrassing position that your words are not matched by your deeds. That is to say, to my deep disappointment to you, you are doing little to justify my confidence in you most satisfactorily.

I should like to know how it is that the solution to the washing-machine problem would be successful with inferior quality to be improved or dealt with reasonably.

I should also like to know what steps you are taking to remedy the present situation and meet my requirements for this in terms of two suggestions offered to you as follows.

They are depending on two ways: one is to respond to my renewed request for you to send your service specialist to check or repair the broken machine on spot at home of mine within two-days time, the other is to ask you to repay the full money, the proceeds, of your machine I bought, if any, in default of repairing accordingly in specified time as above mentioned.

Yours faithfully,

One of your customers



Dear Mr.Johnson

Hello, this is customer Xiao Wang speaking. l bought a washing machine atyour house two weeks ago, but after only using it for three days, the washing machine leaked

I have called the maintenance center of the shopping mall, and I have communicated with the maintenance workers. They promised to come to my home to repair the washing machine, but they have not come yet.

I'm disappointed with your family's attitude and I want to deal with it properly.

I have two suggestions. We can negotiate a suitable time for on-site maintenance. If the repair is troublesome, I also agree with a full refund.



我的提示是——有谁愿意:宁可得低分 抄模板套范文;不得高分英语思维写英语呢?相当一些大考生认为:宁愿得低分而不得高分。大家也许会说我这是开玩笑吧,这还真的不是跟你开玩笑的。本文作者要问:“抓住模板英语的救命稻草,学生真的是会写英语作文避免低分得高分吗?”,其答案是否定的。




这也符合针对一网友留言说:“每次写英语作文很痛苦 内容总是不知道该写什么及该怎么写”的情况解决的办法:学生应遵循“寻原因←提示观点→找结果”之原理,可能一周会学会英语写作的。例如:以“我爱学习英语”为主题,写英语微型作文,可以写:Acquiring knowledge about science from foreign countries, I enjoy learning English to help me communicate foreign experts on professionals.

所以根据原理:在提示句即主题句子(我爱学习英语I enjoy learning English)的左边找原因(因为学习国外科学知识Acquiring knowledge about science from foreign countries),然后在右边找结果(因此帮助我与国外专家就专业进行沟通to help me communicate foreign experts on professionals)。


难怪使用英语逻辑思维写英语网友说,很有帮助解决了“大考英语作文内容没思路怎么办?”的问题了。更是有理有据有证地回答了本文标题——怎么解决:写英语作文很痛苦 既不知道写啥 又不知道咋写——之问题了。






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