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zee是什么意思 zee的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-11-08 17:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: zee在英语中代表"形物、和"的意思,zee是什么意思 zee的中文翻译、读音、例句,在日常中也代表"喆衣"的意思,发音是[zi:],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到21个与zee相关的释义和例句。


1. The word "pizza" ends with a 'zee'. (单词“pizza”以字母Z结尾。)

2. In American English, we say 'zee', while in British English, they say 'zed'. (在美式英语中,我们说“zee”,而在英式英语中,他们说“zed”。)




例句:But that is precisely why Dr Learned and Dr Zee like the look of them. (而这恰恰是伦德博士和徐博士对它们如此看重的原因。)


例句:He spoke of Mrs. Zee James as certain priests might the Madonna and composed long soul-describing letters to her begging her forgiveness none of which he mailed. (他提到丽时好像在描述 还写了几封表达他内心的信 希冀她的原谅)


例句:Then you and Felix and Zee carry Drake and Dad out. (之后你和菲利克斯还有泽把戴克和爸爸带出去)


例句:"It is essential that we identify behavioral ways to improve sleep, " Zee says. (翻译:“我们发现行为方法改善睡眠是非常重要的,”Zee说。)


zee一般作为名词使用,如在hatch zee([网络] 舱口盖Z型承铁;舱口盖承铁)、Noordwijkaan Zee([地名] 滨海诺德韦克 ( 荷 ))、tappan zee([网络] 塔本西;塔潘齐;塔潘子)等常见短语中出现较多。

hatch zee[网络] 舱口盖Z型承铁;舱口盖承铁Noordwijkaan Zee[地名] 滨海诺德韦克 ( 荷 )tappan zee[网络] 塔本西;塔潘齐;塔潘子zee barn. Z字钢zee beam[网络] Z型梁;乙字钢梁zee chartZ形曲线图Zuider Zee须德海(即荷兰艾瑟尔湖)Zuyder Zee= Zuider ZeeEgmond aan Zee[地名] 滨海埃赫蒙德 ( 荷 )例句

1. Then you and Felix and Zee carry Drake and Dad out. (翻译:之后你和菲利克斯还有泽把戴克和爸爸带出去)

2. "It is essential that we identify behavioral ways to improve sleep, " Zee says. (翻译:“我们发现行为方法改善睡眠是非常重要的,”Zee说。)

3. Zee-Our was executed on 16 September 1959. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日Zee -Oui 被执行死刑)

4. Bob was sent away cordially the next day with a goodbye from Jesse but nothing from Zee beyond what good manners demanded. (翻译:罗伯隔天就被送走 杰西跟他道别 丽则只说些客套话)

5. So: zee gut must be cleansed. (翻译:因此:曲曲折折的肠子必须清洗。)

6. Dr Learned and Dr Zee have come up with a design for a particle accelerator that would do the job a good deal more modestly, using another type of subatomic particle, the pion, as an intermediary. (翻译:莱德和哲博士设计出一种粒子,利用另一种亚原子粒子n介子作为中介,从而实现更优的方案。)

7. I'm Detective Van Der Zee. This is Detective Outerbridge. (翻译:我是探员Wandezine, 还有Outhobridge探员)

8. All we need are some basic supplies and transportation south as far as the Tappan Zee bridge. (翻译:и惠璶倒ゲ惠珇 礛ри癳娥硷霍爵)

9. But that is precisely why Dr Learned and Dr Zee like the look of them. (翻译:而这恰恰是伦德博士和徐博士对它们如此看重的原因。)

10. Oh Popeye! You're wonderful! -Ah, Mademoiselle Olive, you have zee date with me. (翻译:哦,大力水手!你太棒了!-啊,奥利夫,你和我有个约会。)

11. You must zee yourself! 'she cried. (翻译:“你一定要看一看你自己!”她嚷着说。)

12. BOB DOUGHTY: Zee Avi is a twenty-five year old singer and songwriter from Malaysia. (翻译:鲍勃:阿维ZEE是一个xx岁的歌手和来自马来西亚的词曲作者。)

13. This is Mr. Jindal, the CEO of Zee TV. (翻译:这是 Jindal 先生 Z电视台的台长 Tarababu 的歌唱得真好)

14. Mort Baro, Kyle Zee, Iggy Wells. (翻译:Mort Baro Kyle Zee 还有Iggy Wells)

15. Hi. I'm Detective Van Der Zee of the Evans County Threat Management Unit. (翻译:你好, 我们警局威胁小组, 我是探员JeWandezin)





1. 发音:'zee'是'Z'这个字母在美式英语中的发音。在英式英语中,字母'Z'的发音为'zed'。

例句:I can't spell 'amazing' without 'zee'. (没有'zee'。)

2. 美式英语和英式英语的差异:'zee'是美式英语的用法,而英式英语中则常常用'zed'代替。

例句:In America, we say 'zee', but in England, they say 'zed'. (在美国,我们说'zee',但在英国,他们说'zed'。)

3. 缩写词:'zee'也可作为某些缩写词的一部分出现。

例句:I'm going to watch ESPN on TV tonight. ('ESPN'是'Entertainment and Sports Programming Network'的缩写,其中包含'zee'。)

4. 带有语言或文化色彩的用法:'zee'也可能在语言或文化上引申出一些用法,例如在美国,'zee'这个用法通常被认为是具有标志性的美式英语,代表着美国文化。

例句:'Zee' is an iconic example of American English. ('zee'是美式英语的一个标志性例子。)

5. 错误的用法:在英式英语中使用'zee'常常会被认为是不符合规范的,因为在英式英语中,字母'Z'的发音本应该是'zed'。

例句:He said 'zee' instead of 'zed', which made it clear he was not a native speaker of British English. (他说成了'zee'而不是'zed',这说明他不是英语母语者。)


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