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2024-06-02 20:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


初学c++: 谢谢,终于解决了我的问题。表情包

mysql 为何需要Double Write?有redo log还不够吗?

17点10分了: 前面解释的是Redo log如何写到Redo Log File中,而Double Write涉及的是将数据写到磁盘中的数据文件中。感觉解释得还是不太清楚

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yeyesea: sbwy

mysql 为何需要Double Write?有redo log还不够吗?

psyga102: 但mysql官方文档指明Doublewrite Buffer不是在内存中的,而是在硬盘上。 14.6.5 Doublewrite Buffer The doublewrite buffer is a storage area where InnoDB writes pages flushed from the buffer pool before writing the pages to their proper positions in the InnoDB data files. If there is an operating system, storage subsystem, or unexpected mysqld process exit in the middle of a page write, InnoDB can find a good copy of the page from the doublewrite buffer during crash recovery.

mysql 为何需要Double Write?有redo log还不够吗?

psyga102: mysql官方文档指明double write buffer中磁盘中的,不是在内存中的。 14.6.5 Doublewrite Buffer The doublewrite buffer is a storage area where InnoDB writes pages flushed from the buffer pool before writing the pages to their proper positions in the InnoDB data files. If there is an operating system, storage subsystem, or unexpected mysqld process exit in the middle of a page write, InnoDB can find a good copy of the page from the doublewrite buffer during crash recovery.






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