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2023-04-24 03:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Recently, 1. a popular song called Good morning, Longhui(《早安隆回》)has drawn wide attention from the public online. Yuan Shuxiong, its songwriter from Longhui County(县), seems to have become famous overnight and reached the peak of his career at the age of 51 for this magic song.

His increasing popularity has brought him to the highlights of the stages of Hunan TV and CCTV and drawn much attention from the public. Subsequently(随后), 2. all kinds of discussions about him are going up continuously. Some think he has achieved his success all by luck. This encouraging song just matches perfectly with the short videos of Lionel Messi winning the Championship in Qatar World Cup, which makes the song as well as its writer widely known to netizens. Some believe he has copied others’ works like Singing and Smiling, while others think 3. 他的成功源于多年的努力和永不放弃的精神. As early as the year of 2007, Yuan Shuxiong had already created many wonderful songs of his own, such as Bitter Coffee, Baby in Love, Love You This Way. 4. But none of them could be as popular as this one.

As a matter of fact, this 51-year-old musician once went through many “ups and downs” before becoming famous. He drifted(漂泊)for many years in different cities and even his former wife left him when he was in his darkest days. 5. 幸运的是,他克服了所有困难并最终实现梦想。Just as the proverb goes, “Chances always favor(青睐)the prepared mind.” Let’s expect him to create more great works for his fans and hometown he loves deeply!

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