smile again是什么意思 smile again的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 smile英语读音 smile again是什么意思 smile again的中文翻译、读音、例句

smile again是什么意思 smile again的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-04-20 15:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

smile again的中文翻译是“重新微笑”,读音为[smail əˈɡen]。


1. After going through a difficult time, she finally learned to smile again. (经历了一段艰难时期后,她终于学会了重新微笑。)

2. Watching the children play made him smile again for the first time in a long time. (看着孩子们玩耍让他久违的重新微笑了。)

3. They promised to help him smile again and bring joy back into his life. (他们承诺帮助他重新微笑,并带回他生活中的快乐。)

smile again在英语中代表"再次微笑"的意思,其中文解释还有"歌曲名"的意思,发音音标为[smileagain],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到20个与smile again相关的例句。

Smile again的翻译


例句:This is Sunday Music Smile. (每周日下午放送 Sunday music smile)


例句:Bitch, you make me a scapegoat again and again (you make me a scapegoat again and again)


smile again一般作为名词使用,如在smile a smile(微微一笑)、smile(微笑 )、smile at(对…微笑,对…一笑置之)等常见短语中出现较多。

smile a smile微微一笑smile微笑smile at对…微笑,对…一笑置之smile on对...赞许to smile[网络] 微笑;去微笑;就微笑了with a smile含笑again再次not again[网络] 不会吧;不会再来一次吧;又来了on again易变化的;不肯定的例句

1. And he loves to see you smile. (翻译:And he loves to see you smile.)

2. The way your smile just beams (翻译:The way your smile just beams)

3. ♪ Each captivated crooked smile ♪ (翻译:♪ Each captivated crooked smile ♪)

4. ♪every vow you break ♪every smile you fake (翻译:♪Every vow you break♪ ♪Every smile you fake♪)

5. Kudus made a face at her and parted his lips to smile again. (翻译:段誉向她装个鬼脸,裂嘴又笑了笑。)

6. How did we get found out again? (翻译:Again? How did we get found out again?)

7. ♪ Again and again and again and again and again is strong. ♪ (翻译:# 撞上墙的念头十分强烈 # # Again and again and again and again and again is strong. #)

8. * While you smile like a friend * (翻译:While you smile like a friend)

9. Again and again, your body countours, your walk, your smile intoxicate me with your beautiful eyes (翻译:一次又一次,你的身影,你走路的姿态,你的笑容 我沉醉于你迷人的双眼)

10. A sweet little kiss with a wee embrace A pretty little smile (翻译:A sweet little kiss with a wee embrace A pretty little smile)

11. -I was just trying the teeth. (翻译:- I was just trying the teeth. - Smile.)

12. A good memory, with a tearful smile toward tomorrow. I smile with you in the farewell, let us again next time. Let us again next time. (翻译:一段美好的回忆,带着泪流满面的微笑走向明天。我在笑容中与你们挥别,让我们下次再会…让我们下次再会。)

13. ♪ It might be painful to smile ♪ (翻译:It might be painful to smile)

14. And again, and again, and again. (翻译:一次一次再一次 And again, and again, and again.)

15. Her only boy, giving her a fake smile. (翻译:giving her a fake smile.)

1. 词的意思:smile again 意思是重新微笑,再次露出笑容。

2. 词性:动词短语。

3. 常用场景:可以用在各种情境下,如安慰、鼓励、感恩、感到开心或悲伤后重新振作等场景。

4. 词组搭配:常见的搭配有“make someone smile again”、“start to smile again”、“try to smile again”等。

5. 相关短语:与smile again 相关的短语有“smile at somebody”(向某人微笑)、“put a smile on someone's face”(让某人开心)、“wiped the smile off someone's face”(使某人失去微笑)等。

6. 发音拼写:[smaɪl əˈɡen]

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