《傲慢与偏见》作品赏析 【英文】 您所在的位置:网站首页 prideandprejudice的英文简介 《傲慢与偏见》作品赏析 【英文】

《傲慢与偏见》作品赏析 【英文】

2024-06-03 05:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

                  Pride and Prejudice


Pride and Prejudice" is the representative work of Austen. This work, taking daily life as the material , reflects the content of the sentimental novels popular in the society and the complex methods of writing, which vividly reflects the state of life in the British villages and towns under the conservative and closed state from the end of the 18th Century to the early 19th Century. This social style novel not only attracted the readers at that time, but still gives readers a unique  artistic enjoyment.


In this novel, Austen shows the different attitudes to the marriage and love of the young girls in the middle class family of the villages and towns through the different treatment of the five daughters of Bennett, and the different attitudes of Elizabeth to Darcy's successively several times of marriage, In fact, it reflects women's pursuit of personality independence and equal rights.


Judging from the novel, Elizabeth is intelligent and resourceful. She has courage, foresight and strong self- esteem and is good at  thinking. It is precisely because of this quality that she has independent opinions on love issues and leads her to form a happy family with Darcy.


In Pride and prejudice, Austen wrote several marriages of Elizabeth's sisters to compare with the heroine's ideal marriage.

Austen is good at shaping a vivid figure in everyday ordinary things, Whether Elizabeth or Darcy are worthy of affirmation or satirical objects, they are all real and moving. At the same time, Austen's language is thought again and again. She is humorous and satirical in the art of dialogue, and often uses funny and humorous language to help the character's character. This artistic innovation has her own characteristics.

This book tells us that to understand a person, we should not just look at the surface, but be honest with each other.






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