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in the dark造句

2023-06-09 12:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Surveyor 3 had landed two years earlier in the dark smudge at lowerright.“勘测者3号”两年前在右下角的黑点处着陆。

2、Mirrors are powerful symbols in conjuring in the dark arts.镜子在巫术中是法力强大的象征。

3、I switch off and so on, only the micro-display light shine, I am sitting in the dark vol.我关掉等,唯有显示屏的微亮光芒,我卷坐在黑暗里。

4、In the dark tunnel through time is too long, light is also closer to an illusion.在黑暗的隧道穿越时间过长,光亦更接近一种幻觉。

5、I was in the dark about it until she told me这件事在她告诉我之前, 我毫不知情.

6、The figure in the dark terrified her out of her wits.黑暗中的人影吓得她魂不附体。

7、In the dark he saw a wonderful yellowish green glow.黑暗中,他看见奇妙的黄绿色光芒。

8、The investigators admit that they are completely in the dark about the killing.调查人员承认他们对这起凶杀案一无所知。

9、I walked into a door in the dark and gave my self this black eye我走进黑暗中的屋子时,眼睛给撞青了,成这般模样。

10、We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel.我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。

11、Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company.早在计算机尚未普及的时代(约1980年),他们就创办了软件公司。

12、We were kept completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company.对他计划将公司出售一事, 我们一直蒙在鼓里.

13、These are bioluminescent chromatophores, and they glow in the dark like fireflies.这些是荧光的色素细胞,它们在黑暗中像萤火虫一样发光。

14、Plodding around in evil weather in the dark can be very mind numbing, I assure you.在昏暗恶劣的天气里艰难行走,我敢担保,那会让你的思维完全麻木。

15、It's not the best flat we have lived in. Ican hear rats squeaking in the dark from time to time.这栋公寓不是我们住过最好的地方,我时不时地能听到躲在暗处的老鼠吱吱叫的声音。

16、The old man was dying. It was just and shot in the dark to operate on him那老人生命垂危,给他做手术只是没多大希望地试一试。

17、Are things stirring down below in the dark in that garden where he lives?他住的那个花园里,也有东西正在黑乎乎的地下萌动吗?

18、I've been groping in the dark in a number of years.多年来,我一直在黑暗中摸索。

19、He groped around in the dark for his other sock.他在黑暗中到处瞎摸找另一只袜子。

20、Thank you for bringing me the news. I've been living in the dark till now!谢谢你给我透了个信;我真是蒙在鼓里呀!

21、I’m quite in the dark about it.这事我不知道。

22、I stood there in the dark shadowy forest that surrounded the old run down school.黑暗中,我站在阴影幢幢的树林里,这片树林围绕着一座破旧废弃的学校。

23、The solar cell is a battery even in the dark and will usually show a few microamps of current.太阳能电池是一个电池,即使是在黑暗之中,而通常会表现出几个微安的电流。

24、"I choose chaos," says the Joker, and those words sum up what's at stake in the Dark Knight.“我选择生活在混乱中,”“小丑”说,这句话总结了《黑暗骑士》中形势究竟有多么危急。

25、In the dark I tumbled over a stump and injured my arm黑暗中我被树桩绊倒伤了手臂。

26、GWT:in the twilight, in the evening, in the dark hours of the night.新译本:那时是黄昏、傍晚,是在夜里,天黑的时候。

27、Her third child, Anakin, is established in the Dark Empire comic series by Dark Horse Comics.她的第三个孩子阿纳金,则在由黑马漫画出版的《黑暗帝国》漫画系列中出生。

28、Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。

29、Instead of growing its algae in sunlit ponds it keeps them in the dark and feeds them with sugar.它们并不是在阳光照射的池塘培养藻类们,而是将它们置于黑暗中并喂它们蔗糖。

30、In the dark I butted into a man.在黑暗中我一头撞上了一个人。

in the dark翻译在黑暗中, 秘密地, 不知道【法】 蒙在鼓里 详情






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