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ficoll是什么意思 ficoll的中文翻译、读音、例句

#ficoll是什么意思 ficoll的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: ficoll的中文解释是"菲科尔、水溶性聚蔗糖",ficoll是什么意思 ficoll的中文翻译、读音、例句,还有细胞分层液的意思,在线读音是[美 'fɪkəl],ficoll在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与ficoll相关的用法和句子。


读音:fēi kǎo ěr


1. 在分离白细胞时,常使用菲考尔介质进行离心梯度离心。

When separating white blood cells, Ficoll medium is often used for centrifugal gradients.

2. 菲考尔的密度梯度离心可用于分离不同密度的细胞和制备纯化的细胞群。

Ficoll density gradient centrifugation can be used to separate cells of different densities and prepare purified cell populations.




例句:Mr Fico is gaining record popularity ratings. (菲科先生正在赢得破纪录的民众支持率。)


例句:cinematographer KIM Byung-il lighting director LIM Jae-young (摄像 KlM Byung -ll 灯光执导 LlM Jae -young)


例句:Very nice musical you could open right here in Fico's Palace. (在菲戈的里 你可以找到非常美妙的音乐)


例句:- You trained the ll Maniac? (翻译:- You trained the ll Maniac?)


1. Very nice musical you could open right here in Fico's Palace. (翻译:在菲戈的里 你可以找到非常美妙的音乐)

2. - You trained the ll Maniac? (翻译:- You trained the ll Maniac?)

3. We'll be there, it'll take some time but we'll get there. (翻译:我们会在那里,它会 需要一些时间,们会到达那里。)

4. As I am not from the US, I had no idea what FICO meant before researching it. (翻译:由于我不是来自美国,我不知道的FICO前研究它的意思。)

5. In Slovakia the centre-left prime minister, Robert Fico, is likely to be re-elected. (翻译:斯洛伐克中左党首相RobertFico可能会接受重选。)

6. "I'll be caught or I'll live like this, or I'll die." (翻译:“我是被抓呢? 还是这样生活,或是死去”)

7. Fico, I know you're gonna be there to welcome us with open arms as you have so many times in the past. (翻译:菲戈 我知道你会在纽约热烈的欢迎我们的 因为你过去一直是这样对待我们的)

8. Plus, this friend of mine, he said that in World War ll they threatened black soldiers with hanging for looking at white women. (翻译:另外,这位朋友, 他说,在第二次世界大战LL 他们威胁黑人士兵 带吊 为寻找在白人妇女。)

9. According to Fico, he would like the countries negotiating about the bases to ask other European countries for their opinions. (翻译:根据菲格所言,他想要求其它的欧洲国家对部署基地的选择进行谈判。)

10. He didn't dress up for the interview, had no interest whatsoever in trying to impress us. (翻译:一个安静的人, 不t? ll? ydy采访。)

11. Before going to the details of a beacon credit score, FICO is an acronym for Fair Isaac Company. (翻译:之前去的细节的灯塔,信用评分,菲佐是一个缩写,公平艾萨克公司。)

12. lt`ll melt in a day or a week and they`ll forget it. (翻译:Lt`ll 融化 在 一天或 一个星期, they`ll 忘记它。)

13. Robert Fico's reign as Slovakia's prime minister looked set to end when his coalition partners performed badly in a parliamentary election. (翻译:斯洛伐克罗伯特•菲乔的任期看来是到头了,因为他的联盟搭档在议会选举中表现极差。)

14. You know, it bothers me to see you, Fico Fellove, working in the kitchen. (翻译:你看 一想到你是菲戈.菲拉维 我就很烦心 你在厨房干活)

15. In fact, Fico's party did not vote for it also after the elections. (翻译:事实上菲佐的政党在选后也没有投票赞成此一措施。)



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