fairy tale是什么意思 fairy tale的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 fairy的读音是什么 fairy tale是什么意思 fairy tale的中文翻译、读音、例句

fairy tale是什么意思 fairy tale的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-03-30 11:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


读音:fɛri tel


1. She loves reading fairy tales before bedtime.


2. The movie is based on a classic fairy tale.


3. The storybook is full of colorful ilrations of famous fairy tales.


fairy tale在英语中代表"童话、神话故事"的意思,在日常中也代表"谎言"的意思,发音是[fairytale],fairy tale来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到14个与fairy tale相关的例句。

Fairy tale的中文翻译


例句:It is a fairy tale and our dream will come true today! (这是想都不敢想的童话和梦想 今天竟然要成为事实了)


例句:He was made of ice and snow Then he came to life one day (And Frosty the Snowman Is a fairy tale they say)


例句:Start with the fairy tale early days. (先写新婚燕尔那些梦幻般的幸福 Start with the fairy tale early days.)


fairy tale一般作为名词使用,如在tale(故事 )、fairy(仙女 )、folk tale(民间故事;民间传说)等常见短语中出现较多。

tale故事fairy仙女folk tale民间故事;民间传说heroic tale[网络] 带有亮粉的淡肤色morality tale[网络] 道德寓言;道德教训故事nursery tale童歌report tale[计] 报告类型s tale[网络] 鲸的故事shark tale[电影]鲨鱼故事例句

1. Start with the fairy tale early days. (翻译:先写新婚燕尔那些梦幻般的幸福 Start with the fairy tale early days.)

2. And Susan realized her life had become... a fairy tale. (翻译:随后Susan意识到她的生活 变得童话般美妙)

3. It was as if they swam straight from the pages of a fairy-tale. (翻译:他们看起来就好像是从神话故事书中直接游出来的生物。)

4. The Witchery View Evolvement Course of Wushan Mountain Fairy Tale Formation (翻译:论巫山神女故事形成过程中的巫术观念演绎历程)

5. But it is a fairy tale that a swarm of ants fighting ... behaves as a kind of parade. (翻译:仿佛如传说一般 一大群攻击性的蚂蚁 好像是出来一样)

6. It is as vivid as a fairy tale, as allusive as a poem. (翻译:它像一个童话一样的生动鲜明,像一首诗一样的隐晦。)

7. And Frosty the Snowman Is a fairy tale they say (翻译:He was smoking his pipe, baby His two eyes were made of coal)

8. Fakir is a fictitious world constructed with "fairy-tale". (翻译:《痴愚说客》是用“童话”演绎的虚拟世界。)

9. And all that is a fairy tale, too. (翻译:那些都是童话故事了 And all that is a fairy tale, too.)

10. I had a fairy tale wedding myself. (翻译:我自己也有个童话般的婚礼 I had a fairy tale wedding myself.)

11. Fakir is a fictitious world constructed with "fairy-tale" . (翻译:《痴愚说客》是用“童话”演绎的虚拟世界。)

12. Momotaro as a child to see the justice over evil fairy tale. (翻译:小时候看的桃太郎是正义战胜的童话故事。)

13. In Denmark's fairy tale, mermaid is the symbol of beauty, kindness and pureness. (翻译:在丹麦的童话故事里,美人鱼是美丽,善良和纯洁的象征。)

14. The notion of romantic love is a fairy tale. (翻译:浪漫的爱情只是个童话 The notion of romantic love is a fairy tale.)

15. It, it's, it's imposible...crazy... a fairy tale, a myth, a legend! (翻译:这是不可能的,荒谬的童话故事, 这是神话,这是传说)


fairy tale作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、fairy、tales等。

1. 定义:Fairy tale是指一种虚构的故事,通常包含奇幻的要素,如魔法、王国、精灵和巨人。

2. 起源:Fairy tale起源于欧洲民间传说和口头传统,最早被记录在书籍中的是在17世纪末的法国,如《母鸡黛丝度》(Les Contes de ma Mère l'Oye)。

3. 影响:Fairy tale影响了不同国家和文化的儿童文学,如德国的格林童话、丹麦的安徒生童话和日本的童话故事。

4. 特点:Fairy tale的特点包括:既有简短的故事,也有长篇的故事;通常有明显的道德意义和象征意义;角色分明,善恶分明;可读性强,适合各个年龄段的读者。


1. Cinderella is a classic fairy tale about a young girl who overcomes her difficult cirtances and marries a prince.


2. The fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty tells the story of a princess who falls into a deep sleep after being cursed by an evil fairy.


3. The Grimm Brothers' fairy tales are known for their dark themes and unsettling endings.


4. Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, such as "The Little Mermaid" and "The Ugly Duckling," have become classics of children's literature.


5. The fairy tale genre continues to be popular today, with many new retellings and adaptations being created for modern audiences.


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